State funded journalism
A community for chronicling how Advanced Capitalist Society is not only dystopic, but also incredibly boring.
I was in a cafe this morning. If you've ever been to UK cafe, they're all pretty much the same - TV blaring in the background about some inconsequential BBC gobshite, whilst people eat and chat with one another.
Anyway, this time my ears pricked up to a story by Jewish Voice for Peace who were protesting the war. I thought "huh, that's pretty brave for the BBC to do a story like that", so I turned around and watched the report and it was surprisingly balanced, well sourced, and unemotionally driven.
Then I saw the channel. It was Al-Jhazeera.
This cafe owner, was switched on enough to know what was a good news channel and what wasn't, and his patrons either didn't care or knew it too and were not at all put off by him putting it on. The BBC is free-falling in legitimacy, and I think people are waking up.