Incels furious at TV show for accurately depicting incel culture
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Great Satire Writing:
Adolescence is an incredible and immersive experience. Stephen Graham deserves to be showered with awards for this. It's all about the micro-expressions in his performance.
I don't have much free time to watch TV, but I'll check it out.
The episode with Erin Doherty was amazing, the way her and Owen Cooper interacted was a roller coaster! And the fact they did the episodes as one continuous take blows my mind.
I'll be honest, the acting was top-notch, but the scripting was not. The scripting for the children in episode 2 was good and believable, but Jamie's quips and remarks were way too quick (as in witty) and unnatural sounding for a 13-year-old.
I knew a number of people back when I was 13 that were incredibly quick witted with teachers, and one who could easily manipulate the teacher and the class into not working nearly every lesson.
Were those the kids that would normally be incels though? When I was growing up, the 'incel' kids weren't the witty class clowns, they were the quiet ones, usually with a bit of the 'tism in them.
That one was disturbing. The final episode just ripped my heart out though.
That show is in my very exclusive list of "Best Things I Can Never Watch Again".
I'm not sure it was one take. There were a few shots that looked very useful for editing purposes. Unless they were just save points which maybe didn't get used?
They did multiple takes yes, but each episode went with the best continuous take of the bunch, which makes that particular episode kinda insane with how much Cooper was oscillating Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Owen Cooper shines through for me, with an absolutely brilliant and nuanced performance. You expect Stephen Graham to be brilliant, but Owen should win an award for his work.
Absolutely incredible show, only watched the first episode after reading your comment but wow was that ever well done all around.
And all a single shot! I was on the edge of my seat.
There's a shot towards the end of episode 2 that had me shouting "What?!" at the TV. Absolutely remarkable stuff.
Was it "HOW DID THEY GET UP THERE?!" because friend, that sentiment is shared hahaha
Yep, exactly that.