Incels furious at TV show for accurately depicting incel culture
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The places you talk about still have a public social life, 3rd spaces, etc. In advanced capitalist countries, there is no public space without some sort of consumption.
Yes that's definitely an issue.
Still, it seems clear to me that for many, (like the kid in the story whose mind was poisoned even before his first attempt) the biggest barrier to achieving relationship bliss with someone special is the belief that it's simply not possible, and all the attendant self reinforcing red pill misogynistic bullshit beliefs one finds online.
One mustn't forget Jlo's informative musical statement: "even if you were broke, my love don't cost a thing".
I'm inclined to think that these kinds of thought distortions are a product of the hyper commercialization and hyper commodification of our lives. People don't meet other people unmediated by consumption or a screen, so the ideas of what it means to connect are distorted.
Careful, Archarnian. That sounds like anti-capitalist talk.
[and i'm tired of pretending it's not]