I sure as hell don't.
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
/join #antiwork
Id love life if I could work 4 or 3 days a week. I'm mostly productive for 3 days anyway
I think at this point it should be 3 six-hour days per week. 100+ years of technological progress increasing productivity, and the number of people's needs that can be covered by the same amount of work.
One main reason for keeping the pressure in the system is that whichever global superpower exploits their population the most effectively has the upper hand in most fronts. If there wasn't a competition for world dominance then we could all relax a bit more. Til then we are forced into vigilance.
This sounds like something I would hear in Russia. Those who have at least fraction of functioning brain will ask question "If every citizen will be grinded in name of superpower then what everyone will get? 2 by 2 in the nearest forest and a wooden cross."
When state acquires its own will that contradists of majoroty of own citizen, it is not a state. Maybe it is Prutin's mafia, maybe it is China's puppet, but not a state.