What's the time, Mr Wolf?
Rules •1. No Doxxing •2. No TikTok reposts •3. No Harassing •4. Post Gore at your own discretion, Depends if its funny or just gore to be an edgelord.
Sure, let’s make a 24 hour clock and cram everything on there, that will be easy to read from across the room for sure 😏
i was curious and it actually doesn't look that bad
It looks irritating to read time in the distance pic with the woman standing next to it.
My wristwatch uses a similar dial. You can learn to read it like you can learn anything with exposure.
I find it annoying that it has a 24 instead of a 0, and that it's at the top instead of the bottom.
I carry a clock in my pocket at all times. Sometimes it makes a weird ringing sound for a bit and weird numbers show up on the clock screen. It scares me every time.
What's the problem exactly?