"says le$bian"
Really. Can you spell out phonetically how they say that?
$bian is a variable but it wasn't set, so it's pronounced "le-undefined"
Just le as in rm -rf $bian/
rm -rf $bian/
*Tips fedora
Not to be confused with L€sbians and £esbians in Europe.
The actual way we've said it jokingly around here. ^
Le cha-ching! bian
"Lecashbian" could roll well off the tongue
It's his the French refer to Le Caspian.
Says he met her on bumble, so I assume she says it like "le$bian"
inb4 prescriptivists coming here to say that writing something isn't "saying" it
Le money sign bian
"says le$bian"
Really. Can you spell out phonetically how they say that?
$bian is a variable but it wasn't set, so it's pronounced "le-undefined"
as inrm -rf $bian/
*Tips fedora
Not to be confused with L€sbians and £esbians in Europe.
The actual way we've said it jokingly around here. ^
Le cha-ching! bian
"Lecashbian" could roll well off the tongue
It's his the French refer to Le Caspian.
Says he met her on bumble, so I assume she says it like "le$bian"
inb4 prescriptivists coming here to say that writing something isn't "saying" it
Le money sign bian