Nope, the chip bags with more air have less broken chips, which makes me happy. I'm smart enough to actually read the bag and know how much I'm getting. Given everything is either inflating or shinkflating, that argument is pointless. Nothing is staying the same price, and I see no need to cry about it.
You being a condescending teen, makes your hilarious attempts at a debate rather quaint and amusing.
A debate requires two reasonable points. Your dull comments lack a point. With no need to cry about it, why do you have the need to comment on it? Just keep on buying more air and thinking you are winning at life. The rest of us can enjoy the laugh.
Nope, the chip bags with more air have less broken chips, which makes me happy. I'm smart enough to actually read the bag and know how much I'm getting. Given everything is either inflating or shinkflating, that argument is pointless. Nothing is staying the same price, and I see no need to cry about it.
You being a condescending teen, makes your hilarious attempts at a debate rather quaint and amusing.
A debate requires two reasonable points. Your dull comments lack a point. With no need to cry about it, why do you have the need to comment on it? Just keep on buying more air and thinking you are winning at life. The rest of us can enjoy the laugh.