xkcd : Earth Temperature Timeline
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What is geoscience?
Geoscience (also called Earth Science) is the study of Earth. Geoscience includes so much more than rocks and volcanoes, it studies the processes that form and shape Earth's surface, the natural resources we use, and how water and ecosystems are interconnected. Geoscience uses tools and techniques from other science fields as well, such as chemistry, physics, biology, and math! Read more...
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Yes yes. Nothing wrong with your arguments. At first sight.
We are in the meantime so many people on this planet. That those places that are staying habitable are already occupied.
This means if people moving away from dead zones they puttung pressure on existing economies, imfrastructure etc.
And this in turn, through our global economy will hurt anybody. Simply because markets becoming destroyed, supply chains disorted.
Western countries are struggling maintaining its infrastructure. You think europe can host africa without lowering the standard for its people?
This will evolve in revolts. For the world economy not even began with.