To be clear, not talking about this community, obviously ๐.
What's the point of writing down rules, if mods just do what they want?
But I suppose that's the risk you take when you call someone a liar in a small community; they might be a mod.
I'm not trying to say that mods suck, they perform a useful and often thankless job. Just that it can be difficult for small communities to get a healthy number of good mods, which can become a problem.
Literally just don't say that. The entire rest of your comments were generally "fine" but you included hostile, unnecessary wording.
'How am I suppose to make this comparison without an invitation being labeled as hostile?'
Less helpful than you might think.
People: the comparison is the point of the comment. And even if that was somehow the worst possible way to make it, I'm still left wondering how the fuck to de-escalate confusion, if direct agreement is enough to launch monocles from faces. If "thanks" is hostile, what the hell are we doing.