Amazing how fast one can kill ones legacy
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I agree with this for the most part, but saying Hogwarts Legacy objectively sucks is just wrong. Most people liked the game, including me (although the main story plot is not great).
It's so funny when people try to claim that their opinion is objective. Sorry bro, this is still your opinion. LOTS of people enjoyed the game, and if people enjoyed the game safe to say it did its job.
I'm pretty sure what you're missing here is that you did give (arguably) objective descriptions of issues with the game, but it's still your opinion that these make the game a failure. Sure, it didn't meet up to your standards, but those standards are absolutely subjective.
Lots of games are repetitive. Lots of games have no story consequences shown in the game. They still succeed at being games, even if they don't meet your standards.
I get it, you are passionate about this, but you're mistaken at this point.
The basic standards of a game is "is it fun". If people had fun then it served it's purpose. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it's an objectively bad game. I highly doubt your opinion on the game is free of external biases
You didn't give objective reasons, you just gave some opinions about how the gameplay is repetitive. Like I said, games are meant to be fun. If someone had fun, it did not "fail to perform". The reason I believe you are biased is because you are the op of this thread lmao
ok lol. I think everything I said is pretty relevant to the discussion.
Bad news... Hogwarts legacy sold like hot cakes, it was massively successful title...two things can be right. JKR being a bigot and you being completely fucking wrong.