Opened the door
A place with minimal rules for stuff that makes you go awww! Feel free to post pics, gifs, or videos of cats, dogs, babies, or anything cute and remember to be kind to others.
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This is how we met what would later become our dog. The door handles in our neighborhood were horizontal like this.
One day we saw this springer spaniel out running around the neighborhood without a collar on. He wouldn’t let us get close but we followed it back to what we assumed was its house because the door was open and he just ran back in. We left it at that.
Weeks later we see him posted on the local Facebook swap/sell page. The owners were getting rid of him because they were about to fly back to the states and couldn’t or wouldn’t go through the extra trouble to bring him along.
We met with the owners and as soon as we met them and shook hands he came and sat on my feet. Something about meeting his owners made him OK with being near us where earlier he wouldn’t let us get close.
He was the smartest dog we ever had but ended up getting cancer.