Internet as an art
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.
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I won't be moving all of them here but I will keep most of them.
My real guess is water. You have a flash flood river dumping several tons of water at those doors and I bet it crumples them just like that
Also the floor is wet.
Huh I guess you’re right, damn these old eyes
I don't think so. Water would fill the room and push equal force on the whole door.
Even if true, there's not equal support around the door.
The bottom of the door isn't braced on the bottom, but the top and edges are.
The left side is supported on multiple hinges that are solid, and keep the edge a fixed distance from the frame. The right and top edges are supported by relatively thin metal that only provide bracing in one direction.
the door bowed from the pressure and the bottom right corner fails first.
once the corner was out there's more leverage for twisting the door.
the top right corner is stuck, diagonal crease appears as the door tries to "twist", this wedges the corner more into the frame.
Well, it was a flood, so what now?
Let them assume a perfect sphere, no friction, and no air resistance.
Then they'll be right!
No, it would only flood to a certain level at which the door would be forced open, so not an equal force on the whole door.