BN to contest 108 seats in 6 states
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I'm interested in the outcome of the Bandar, Terengganu and Dusun Tua, Selangor seats, where PH made way for BN/UMNO but MUDA candidates will still be standing. Because this will leave voters there with two main conservative choices (PN or BN/UMNO). Back in 2018, Dusun Tua was won by PH-DAP while Bandar had its vote split amongst BN-MCA and PH-PKR, causing PAS to prevail. The Puteri Wangsa seat was won by MUDA against PN-GERAKAN and BN-MCA, and the ADUN is helping out the Bandar candidate. While Kinilab states they lack official data on Bandar's MP preference last year due to election petition, a guy on Twitter claiming to be their PACABA shows that PH has high preference in the area, suggesting a preference for progressiveness. In Dusun Tua, the MUDA candidate seems to be taking a quasi-AMANAH approach.