a 2x2 grid describing different types of homophobes:
Knows and Doesn't care: “[There is no record of this comment]”
Knows and Cares: “Gay people make me uncomfortable and I should work on that”
Doesn't know and Doesn't care: “HOW IS THAT HOMOPHOBIC?!”
Doesn't know and Cares: “That’s homophobic? I’m sorry, I’ll do better next time!”
Was talking about homophobia with someone yesterday and saw this chart in my mind and I thought u guys would like it :3 I know this applies to many things outside of sexuality/gender/etc and even outside of hate so maybe I should have made it more general :p But whatevs, feel free to edit and repost, it's just lines and text X3
I have met very, very few people in the upper right and far too many people in both squares on the left.
tru dat :< but I actually was friends with one of the upper-right type and he was such a great guy! :D He even dated a trans woman (before u ask, not me X3) and they broke up just cuz they were simply not campatible, he always refered to her as a woman and wasn't ashamed to say he had a relationship with a trans girl :3
It sort of sounds like he was more like lower right, unless you weren't using 'gay people' as a general euphemism for people who are LGBT+, in which case, I guess your friend might fit.
yeye I said in the post's text that this aplies to many other things :p My friend's main problem was that men acting or dressing femininely made him super uncomfortable which includes some gay people but he also used to struggle trying to see a trans woman as a woman, so it's great that he improved on that aspect :3