Yuzu agrees to pay Nintendo $2.4 million and will entirely shut down
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Please be nice to other members. Anyone not being nice will be banned. Keep it fun, respectful and just be awesome to each other.
Same here. I'm not gonna pay lots of money for a locked down piece of hardware that makes me pay indefinitely to play online and could take away my purchased games at a moment's notice.
I still occasionally buy physical switch games to play on my sibling's switch. I buy physical because there's a resale value to the game. I feel like I actually own a copy of the game.
Anyways, I have a big Steam backlog that I'll never get to because of 1) Factorio, 2) A personal game I'm programming in HTML/CSS/JS, and 3) riding my motorcycle.
Factorio is the closest thing we have to time travel. Start the game and suddenly it's 5 hours later and there's still that one part you could optimize. I fucking love this game.
I have 600h in the game. 80h in my first game, 260h in my bad attempt at a megabase, 25h in a 100% achievements world, and a few random maps. I haven't even tried doing a deathworld yet.
Then once you think you are done, then there are the mods. I have 123h in one overhaul modpack, enough to technically beat it but not truly scale up. There are several other similar scale modpacks, and there exists a certain hardcore modpack that people say takes 1000h or more to beat.