"Twy Edge Pwetty Pwease"
For preserving the least toxic and most culturally relevant Tumblr heritage posts.
The best transcribed post each week will be pinned and receive a random bitmap of a trophy superimposed with the author's username and a personalized message. Here are some OCR tools to assist you in your endeavors.
Don't be mean. I promise to do my best to judge that fairly.
i've already commented this, but just to get my point across properly here, it's these kinds of comments that bother me. They reek of "too occupied with whether we could do it, rather than whether we should do it."
It's a neat trick, but completely fucking ignores the problem. It's like a car shipping from the factory with a bunged transmission but everyone going "well you can just not use first gear" or "well, doing a swap is easy" and my favorite "just re-gear it with third party parts, these ones don't explode" Like, yeah, you could. Nobody would be buying that car though. For some reason tech nerds have a masochistic relationship to this shit and i dont understand why.
I don't use Windows. I remember this from tech support days though.