Internet as an art
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.
I will introduce more rules later and when I finish doing that I will make an announcement post about that.
For overall temporary guide check out the rules here: https://www.reddit.com/r/hmmm/wiki/rules/
I won't be moving all of them here but I will keep most of them.
Yet you pay the paywall fee and there are still ads, and you talk about the lack of funds to pay journalists while the Murdochs and other media families live it up, richer than kings.
Not on any of my computers. Ad companies know this and pay accordingly.
That's got nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a theoretical world where consuming the product created by journalists is free. Where would the money to pay journalists come from? Are the ads preferred? I know I'm never going to be disabling my ad blocker. Is it a government subsidy?
Basically, I'm talking about what should be, not what currently is.