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Weird, this pulled more down votes than a lot of the posts around it.
I wonder why.
You ask that ... on the internet...?
is that even a stat you can gather on lemmy? I have no idea frankly.
Yep. Depends on the interface you're using.
huh, cool. Yeah i don't have that on my end at the moment.
On desktop I have to hover the pointer on the post points to see it.
Because some of us just don't like pizzacake
I don't like them neither but have never found them so bad they deserve a downvote.
Besides being inane, it was their ubiquity on reddit that drove me to dislike them
Do you feel similar with red dot comics?
I don't mind either, but can see where you come from.
Not to mention, it drove me mad how her comics devolved from sorta eh relatable stuff, to just complaining about hate and sexism and how terrible her fate is. If it's really so bad that she can't resist making half her comics about it, maybe she should take a break instead of going on this "everyone's sexist, everyone hates me, they are all awful people" spiral. It was especially annoying how she ended up responding to legit constructive criticism the same way as the genuinely awful sexist shit, but I digress.
what the fuck is pizzacake
The name of the comic.
oh, so this comment probably dabbles on this kind of shit semi regularly then? Judging by how some people seem to respond at least.
The comic is written by a woman, so it deals with problems a woman can encounter.
Incels don't like it when it isn't about them.
Something something feet pics
I never go searching out pizza cake, but when i see it I will always downvote it.
Same, but in reverse.
Lol yeah me too. They're no Wars and Peas but they're pretty funny.
My conspiracy theory is people liked her until the OnlyFans then the incels came out because "sure wasn't in her lane". I say get that grip girl.
I never liked her and I don't care about onlyfans.