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You need to read a bit more i think, or i missed when Marx said that the only way to fight class wars is helping homeless people (which again i support) and also i think i missed when it said that problems should be adressed from the most severe which means we need to forget about sexism and racism and low wages as long as we can "have a roof and a full belly" as you said.
I think i also missed when no one with half a brain said that it's proven we cant do both.
I really think you are so full of yourself that even lost track of what class war even means, you need to stop saying so much that you disregard womens problem because there are homeless people, maybe you should touch a bit of grass and go to communities and see what are their problems.
Ah sure, keep at it, keep saying that you are on the right side here just because you sometimes give money to homeless people. Just to close this discussion let me remember what did you say about women's problem in the span of less than an hour.
First: "Its just all sex wars"
Second: "i care about society which is why i help homeless people"
Third: "Women that have a roof and food dont have any reason to complain"
Fourth: "Women cant complain because the only just cause is class wars, and class wars is only done by helping homeless people, we can only do one thing at a time so fuck people that suffers from racism and sexism"
Fifth: "40% of homeless people are women, those are the women that need help"
You really have a weird fixation with homeless people, you know what i think? That you have a lot of self steem problems and you are happy with the way the world is because you fear losing your privileges. Hope one day you gain conscience and start really thinking of how you can really help people and the class wars instead of just giving a bit of money to a homeless once in a while just to feel full of yourself.
Most of us, who are not disempowered, are afraid of losing privilege and not doing enough because of that, or just from plain laziness. The self-esteem comment was probably on point, though. Can almost not help but feel bad for someone who hates themselves so much that they project it on women.