Sunday Is Gaming Day: What are you playing weekly thread
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
3rd International Volunteer Brigade (Hexbear gaming discord)
You might have heard of this obscure indie gem, Celeste
It's cool and generally I like how it does the Mega Man thing of teaching through doing, but yo how do those little launcher orb guys work? I have to use them in high winds rn and they behave very inconsistently..
the green bubbles? they should shoot you out in the direction you're holding consistently, though if you're not using D-pad it can be tough. they recharge your dash too.
Okay yeah but sometimes they launch me further? I find it really hard to get up on those high platforms in the wind
I am using an 8bitdo M30 fwiw, saturn pad
I think I'm just really bad at Celeste help
it's a very challenging game!! are you hard stuck on a particular screen or just having trouble getting through that level?
Fuk u I play castlevania for fun I'm not owned
The entire second half of the golden ridge level in chapter 4 was just, fuck wind gimmicks
I got it eventually cuz I'm BASED, but some of the moving platform puzzles pained me too.
hehe knew you could do it:3 yeah anything involving level timings like the moving platforms or the red blobby guys is my least favourite in celeste. the wind is a pain too. keep us posted on your progress !