UMMM ACKTUALLY I've got several charts that say you're richer. You must be lying or lazy. /s
FaMiLy InCoMe Go Up MeAnS YoU aRe Ok!
...ok, but I'm a "family" of one and your stupid fucking metric is counting multiple incomes as one...
The insurance that costs you $200/month, COULD have cost you $700/month (if you chose this exact plan from this exact provider on your own without HR negotiating a bulk discount)
So, you're not losing $200, you're EARNING $500!!!
UMMM ACKTUALLY I've got several charts that say you're richer. You must be lying or lazy. /s
FaMiLy InCoMe Go Up MeAnS YoU aRe Ok!
...ok, but I'm a "family" of one and your stupid fucking metric is counting multiple incomes as one...
The insurance that costs you $200/month, COULD have cost you $700/month (if you chose this exact plan from this exact provider on your own without HR negotiating a bulk discount)
So, you're not losing $200, you're EARNING $500!!!