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One recent example from a game that I ran is that my players caused a dust explosion using flour. I had to do some quick googling to figure out how big that might be to best gauge the damage (turns out it can be pretty big), but I awarded inspiration for the creativity (despite getting caught up in the blast themselves). This was also a bit of irony since the people they were attacking were assassins that ran a bakery as cover.
Along with a tent, bedroll, extra rope, chalk and a ten foot pole, flour is always among the first items I buy as a player. Mostly to make it easier to spot invisible creatures, but a dust explosion would be right up my alley!
@wjs018@lemmy.world I just love RPGs for moments like this)
I had players nearly end their campaign when they were about to use'fireball' in an active sawmill that a death cult was hiding out in. Luckily one of them realized a moment before what the implications would be.