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Im REALLY trying to make myself learn Affinity Photo, but I just keep falling back to PhotoPea which is like an in browser Photoshop clone
Krita? Not good enough?
Not for photo editing or pixel art. Krita is a painting tool.
Wym not photo editing? You can do everything aswell in Krita. Changing hues, retouching, selection, layers, saturation, tone balance. All there.
And you can most definitely use it for pixel art. Even if you don't want to use Krita there exist paint.net, aseprite, piskel or pixelorama. No need for hundreds of dollars for PS.
and if you don't want to pay, you can always use libresprite instead of aesprite
Got stuck in hospital for a few weeks recently and used the opportunity to finally learn Affinity.
I'm now really liking it. Takes a few tries to get into it though.
I particularly like it on the iPad with the Apple pencil. A bit less so on my windows laptop.