Internet as an art
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I won't be moving all of them here but I will keep most of them.
You're telling me slaves fleeing using the Underground Railway could have come to Canada and then MET THEIR SLAVERS WHO ALSO RAN AWAY?
Yup. It's fucked but Canada was claiming neutrality as part of the British Empire meanwhile they were letting in Confederates, who were using Toronto as a northern base. The English built boats for the Confederate navy. After the war Jefferson Davis was given a place to live in Toronto where he retired. There are many plantation style properties built along the Canadian border through southern Ontario, many built after the civil war by "refugees".
A lot of Canadians also fought in the civil war, though to be fair it was on both sides, as there were many Canadians who saw a moral need to fight against slavery as well
If such a chance meeting ever occurred, we should feel blessed that the former slaves were given an opportunity to ensure karmic balance.