For years and decades now the concept of terraforming Mars has kept researchers and science experts on their feet scratching their heads to find a solution. This enthusiasm came from various fictional novels and movies that have given scientists hope that perhaps they can implement this idea. According to research, Mars has the potential to be humanity’s second home and they are trying to make this concept a reality.

If Mars is ever to be terraformed, it will be a monumental task. Terraforming Mars could take decades or even centuries in its initial stages. Additionally, we do not have the technological capacity to implement this initiative. This sobering realisation highlights the enormous obstacles that stand in our way of realising the aim of altering the Red Planet. NASA needs to reassess the grand dream of Terraforming Mars

The dream or vision of making Mars a planet that can give life to humanity is an interesting one. This concept has been part of scientific language and conversation for decades now and it promises not to just give humanity a different perspective, but, also to serve as plan B as the Earth is changing. Scientists have hypothesised that humanity may establish conditions conducive to human life on Mars by releasing greenhouse gases and altering Martian.

NASA has admitted to this impossible mission stating that It is not possible to terraform Mars with current technology. Mars’ thin atmosphere and deficiency in vital resources such as enough carbon dioxide that would be required to start a greenhouse effect and warm the planet are the main obstacles. The idea of converting Mars into an environment more like Earth is significantly more difficult than first thought due to the harsh reality of the planet’s current status.

Therefore, the issue is not entirely based on technology, but also based on the enormity of the resources needed. Less than 1% of Earth’s atmosphere is found on Mars, and the planet does not have a magnetic field to shield it from cosmic radiation. It is therefore a wise idea for scientists and researchers to discard this idea since reports state that it could take thousands of decades to implement this idea. Unless a new technology advances enough to take on this big idea. Obstacles on the journey to a habitable Mars: Scientific, material, and time

Mars does not have the nature or resources that are similar to Earth that can even give us hope. If it comprises less than 1% of what the Earth attributes, then it could be a waste of time, resources and investments. Due to the abundance of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere (earth), heat is retained and a rather stable climate is produced. Mars’s sparse atmosphere prevents the planet from efficiently retaining heat.

According to Bonsor (n.d.), NASA is reportedly developing a solar sail propulsion technology that would harness solar energy to power spaceships through the use of enormous reflective mirrors. Placing these massive mirrors a few hundred thousand kilometres away from Mars would be another way to use them: to heat the Martian surface by reflecting solar radiation.

NASA has found that, even in the event that all of Mars’ CO2 could be released, the atmospheric pressure required for human survival without a spacesuit would not be produced. The entire accessible carbon dioxide is insufficient to generate a habitable atmosphere, and transferring more gases from Earth or other celestial planets is currently beyond our technical capabilities.

The lack of a magnetic field on Mars presents another significant difficulty. The Earth’s magnetic field is essential for protecting the world from solar winds and dangerous cosmic radiation, which would otherwise remove our atmosphere. Mars has a thin atmosphere now because billions of years ago, the planet lost its magnetic field. It is just not possible to build an artificial magnetic shield using the technologies available today in order to terraform Mars.

The idea of terraforming may not be fully realised for several millennia, even though humans might visit Mars this century. It took the Earth billions of years to develop into a planet on which plants and animals could flourish. It is not an easy task to change the Martian landscape to resemble Earth. To create a livable environment and introduce life to the icy, arid planet of Mars, generations of human creativity and labour will be required (Bonsor, n.d).

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[-] Evilphd666@hexbear.net 19 points 1 week ago

You don't necessarily need to terraform Mars.

Everyone is thinking Humans, land first, then live on there. I think we are putting the cart before the horse on this. Now getting a human there on the ground and back - doable. Just not the most practicable. Maybe somewhat suatainable but risky.

We have robotics, VR, cell and wireless tech. We can fairly easily build a space station around Mars. Set up a VR lab in the station and Avatar robots down there. I really am suprised we are not pioneering this tech with our current space station. Wouldn't it be cool to walk up to an Avatar bot controlled by someone on the ISS? That would be a great moment. Robots cheaper than humans and the systems required to keep them alive. They can also build.

That way if the robot breaks down you just send another to replace / fix. No need to worry about human suits, tears, squishy living things. They're all safe up in the station. The amount of work that can be done would be exponential. You wouldn't need to worry so much about time delays or planning careful routes. So much more ground could be covered in much higher detail because you don't need to worry so much about bandwith and power tranmission requirements, youxre just beaming to the local satellites which will beam it to the nearby station which will have far greater capabilities.

We can set up a logistics of power and refuling trains to go back and forth. Ion engines, batteries powered by the sun. Ect. You'd just need to get things into low Earth orbit and then hook up with your thrust module to get to Mars. You don't need massive gargantuan Saturn V Starship rockets for everything.

We can absolutely do this. We can do it with the Moon too to really test it out.

Oxygen? Rocks. Iron OXIDE. Titanium diOXIDE. If you really want people. That's a do-able thing I think. It just needs to be researched. We don't have a need here because Oxygen is plentiful here. But I think this will be key to just make our own water rather than trying to find some underground hidden glacier in the shadow of a crater in the poles to sustain human life. Hydrogen is plentiful too. Make our own water, litterly squeezing water from a stone.

Lack of magnetic field, dynamo is what allowed Mars' atmosphere to just leech off into space. My theory is a big asteroid punched it and created Olympus Mons where the core was ejected out / knocked out of comission. Reguardless we can't fix that right now. Any atmosphere for humans is going to have to be contained within either a suit or a vessel.

We can store energy from the sun and ship it wherever it needs to go, and even have a logistics train to do this and refill them. Have a standardized battery pack adapter that can be swapped out. Use this to also build out a high bandwith communications relay network for the solar system and beyond. We can then set out satelites and telescopes in deep space without having to consider as large or power hungry communications on them since we will have relay networks to carry the signal.

This will be the step we need to take advantage of the resources out there and expand humanity to get off this rock and maybe just maybe find some ETs.

[-] someone@hexbear.net 10 points 1 week ago

I really am suprised we are not pioneering this tech with our current space station.

We're starting to get there. China's Chang'e 4 far-side lunar rover was controlled via a relay satellite in a halo orbit around the L2 Lagrange point. But I think crewed science missions to Mars will have to be housed on the ground for a few reasons:

  • Solar particle radiation, such as from solar flares. Mars' atmosphere, thin as it is, does help reduce this considerably despite the almost-nonexistent magnetic field. We've had radiation detection equipment on the surface of Mars for decades. We know exactly what to expect.

  • Synthesizing oxygen and methane using the Sabatier process for breathing and for refuelling a ship can't be done from orbit. Since there has to be a ground station for the Sabatier machinery, then why not just keep the astronauts there too? It's one less facility to maintain, and if they're at the same facility, they'll have access to effectively unlimited oxygen and water.

  • Orbital transfer windows are every 26 months. We've done 12 month stays on the ISS, but the astronauts and cosmonauts involved have had significant recovery time back here on Earth afterwards. 26 months in 0 G, plus the 3-4 month each-way travel time, may be too dangerous from a health perspective. 1/3 G might be enough to stave off the worst of bone and muscle loss. The amount of time the astronauts would have to exercise is reduced considerably from 0 G, and might not be needed at all if we're lucky. We've had an entire evolution's worth of time to experience 1 G, about a half century at 0 G, and a few weeks in 1/6 G. 1/3 G is a total unknown until we actually send well-informed fully-consenting healthy astronauts to see what it does to the human body.

  • Centrifuges to simulate gravity for humans like in the movie 2001 have never been put into space. The science is sound, but the engineering may be more complex than expected, there's a lot of moving parts involved. This is something we need to do reliably and repeatedly in Earth orbit before trying it somewhere else.

Starship is actually the least-crazy way to get people and bulk cargo to Mars with current technology. Aerobraking around Mars definitely works, we've done it many times with uncrewed satellites and probes. Starship will take advantage of Mars' atmosphere to bleed off most of its speed without having to carry a lot of fuel. Estimates are that about 98 to 99% of the transfer orbit speed can be bled off this way which is a massive fuel savings. The latest Starship flight test was a big success in demonstrating this capability. It made it all the way through re-entry and did a soft intact water landing in the Indian Ocean. Aerobraking at Mars is like a gentle breeze compared to the brutal pummelling that the successful IFT-4 Starship dealt with on its way down through Earth's thick atmosphere from near-orbital speeds.

I think the sanest starting approach is a small science station on the surface of Mars. Start with just a few people for their 26-month tour, maybe a dozen or so NASA scientists and technicians who are highly educated on the risks and willing to go anyway. Just use the Starships themselves as bases to start, leased from SpaceX, but 100% controlled by NASA. Use orbital relays to control robots in real-time like China did with Chang'e 4.

(Insert my usual caveat here about how my respect for SpaceX is strictly for the people doing the real science and engineering there, and not the asshole who owns it.)

[-] Hexboare@hexbear.net 1 points 1 week ago

solar radiation

You'll have to address it with shielding anyway

Synthesizing oxygen and methane using the Sabatier process for breathing and for refuelling a ship can't be done from orbit.

Isn't this done on the ISS already (for oxygen recovery)?

1/3 G is a total unknown

Low enough it won't be great. Agreed that artificial gravity needs to be tested.

Starship is actually the least-crazy way to get people and bulk cargo to Mars

Have they even built the variant that is planned to take 100 tons to the moon?

Crewed missions to Mars are putting the cart before the horse - moon first, then decide how much you really want to go down another gravity well.

[-] someone@hexbear.net 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

solar radiation

You'll have to address it with shielding anyway

That can only be done with either staying close to a planet with a strong magnetic field like Earth, or putting more mass between the Sun and the astronaut. On an orbital station you need to bring your mass shielding with you, which thanks to the tyranny of the rocket equation quickly adds to the fuel requirements. On Mars' surface the atmosphere will do a lot of the work. An ideal scenario also involves prefab storm shelters that sit on the surface of Mars and onto which dirt is piled. They don't need to be complicated structures either.

One of my favourite ideas is to adapt the Bigelow expandable habitat design technology currently being used on the ISS for this. These types of modules take up relatively little size and mass when shipped, but expand to a large size. It's sometimes called "inflatable" but that's not quite accurate. It's a rigid structure when deployed. The BEAM module was originally attached to the ISS for a planned 2-year test but it's been so reliable and successful that it's been kept attached permanently. Bigelow is pretty much out of business, but they transferred ownership of BEAM to NASA, and NASA contracts with the original engineering subcontractors that designed and built it. By space engineering standards it would be straightforward to adapt it into a Mars surface solar-storm shelter.

A surface base on Mars also has other major benefits, like being able to cool equipment by atmospheric convection. The only way to cool a spacecraft while not on the surface of a planet with an atmosphere is with radiators, which are big and heavy. The ISS has to have massive radiators, the big white panels that are perpendicular to the solar panels in this photo. And again, big and heavy radiator equipment means less cargo space/mass available for other supplies.

Synthesizing oxygen and methane using the Sabatier process for breathing and for refuelling a ship can't be done from orbit.

Isn't this done on the ISS already (for oxygen recovery)?

Not exactly. The ISS replenishes oxygen three ways. First is with a small-scale Sabatier system, but this is a fairly recent addition and can't do the job on its own. It's basically a small scale experiment to see if it can be done at all with relatively low power requirements and applied to future space stations. The test hardware on Perseverance is part of that research as well. The ISS mostly replenishes oxygen from gas canisters shipped from Earth on cargo supply ships. There's also an electrolysis unit in the Zvezda service module that cracks water into oxygen and hydrogen using power from the main solar panels. But that electrolysis unit requires water as an input and the hydrogen is just vented into space. It's as much about humidity control as it is about supplying oxygen. There's also emergency oxygen candles available if all other supplies fail. All these systems just reduce the need for resupply, they don't allow for long term self-sufficiency.

And if you're doing long duration missions, crew comfort matters as well. Astronauts charitably describe the ISS as smelling like an old locker room. A Mars ground station running a larger-scale Sabatier process using atmospheric CO₂ could easily swap out the whole station atmosphere on a regular basis with no Earth resupply needed.

It also functions as an emergency oxygen backup. The average ISS astronaut needs only about 800 to 900 grams of of oxygen in a day and most Mars mission profiles estimate the same amount needed. The main oxygen tank in the current Starship design holds about 900 metric tonnes. Even if there's no holding tanks for the Sabatier factory and all the oxygen and methane is pumped straight into a crewed landed Starship, when topped-up it would have enough oxygen for a dozen astronauts to breathe in comfort for roughly 240 years (give or take a few decades). The first Sabatier factory on Mars is probably going to be a customized Starship that has all the Sabatier equipment onboard, using its own tanks as holding tanks. With an orbital station, you'd need to figure out regular replenishment flights from the surface which adds wear-and-tear on equipment.

1/3 G is a total unknown

Low enough it won't be great. Agreed that artificial gravity needs to be tested.

I've heard rumours that the CNSA is planning small-scale experimental centrifuges for their current station and future stations, like the planned but cancelled ISS Centrifuge Accommodations Module. Hopefully that engineering expertise will eventually translate into large-scale centrifuges like on the fictional Discovery One from 2001. I think that's decades off at best though.

I wish the CNSA wasn't so tight-lipped about civilian space technologies. They're great for announcing scientific findings but frustratingly secretive about the engineering needed to make them. Even height-of-cold-war space-race NASA was better at public outreach.

Starship is actually the least-crazy way to get people and bulk cargo to Mars

Have they even built the variant that is planned to take 100 tons to the moon?

Not until they finalize the basic Starship design. They can't do that until they nail down rapid reusability which will probably take another year or two of prototype flights. The good news on that front is that the Raptor engine is quickly becoming simpler and cheaper to manufacture, while also increasing thrust performance and reliability. They may be able to do a lot more than 100 tonnes lunar-landed mass at this R&D pace. The first few Starship/Super Heavy test flights had many problems with the old Raptor v1 engine, but the latest flight had had all but one of the v2 engines firing reliably for the full mission duration. The v3 engines are starting to get mass-produced and installed in prototype ships and boosters. The original Artemis III crewed landing timeframe of 2026 is pure fantasy, it ain't gonna happen. But all the basic technologies needed to accomplish it are finally coming together. Assuming civilization doesn't collapse I'd bet on 2026 for uncrewed landing tests, and maybe 2028 or so for a crewed flight to the Moon.

You'll have to address it with shielding anyway

Radiation is a known quantity. You just store your water in your walls to shield against radiation

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Everyone is thinking Humans, land first, then live on there. I think we are putting the cart before the horse on this

Agreed generally. Counterargument though- billionaires, land first, then live(?) on there. Totally sustainable and it even returns a whole lot of wasted, poorly-allocated and ill-gained resources back into the system on Earth for humanity to benefit from immediately. Highly practicable (and flexible, once they're out of orbit it doesn't matter where they go or if anything goes wrong), sustainable, and virtually zero risk (at most, the shuttles are a write-off- using catapults instead might remedy this).

The rest of the process you described can happen after, but I think this is the most appropriate course of action.

[-] MyEyeballStings@hexbear.net 8 points 1 week ago

Counterargument though- billionaires, land first, then live(?) on there.

I like the vision, but I think just shooting them out of a cannon is probably going to achieve the same desired results with less expenditure.

We have robotics, VR, cell and wireless tech. We can fairly easily build a space station around Mars. Set up a VR lab in the station and Avatar robots down there. I really am suprised we are not pioneering this tech with our current space station. Wouldn't it be cool to walk up to an Avatar bot controlled by someone on the ISS? That would be a great moment. Robots cheaper than humans and the systems required to keep them alive. They can also build.

That just seems like a more expensive, less reliable, less useful mars rover. Also, humanoid robots are terrible and incredibly prone to failure. Walking is an extraordinarily difficult act that has few inherent advantages over wheels. Lastly, how does VR help here?

[-] Evilphd666@hexbear.net 1 points 6 days ago

I guess it doesn't necessarily need to be humanoid. Or feet. We can develop these here and work out the kinks before Mars. Something to move around quicker than a caterpillar and can actually dig into the ground beyond a few inches, climb - do hills, build structures for humans before arrival.

VR helps in real time looking around. We use this type of tech in flying drones to get a more immersive control. Real time video. Real time actions instead of having to plan everything out and wait a month for 10 ft of movement. The current rovers we have were concieved in the 70s and they tend to reinvent the wheel with every iterarion. Expensive? More features will cost some money up front, but you don't need to build custom suits which are prone to ripping and tearig with a human inside and losing s crew member. So there is cost and risk savings there.

The space station can be shielded from radiation. They will have less radiation than orbiting earth. Ion engines for logistics trains will cut times for resources to ship to the Mars stations. The logistics trains don't need to interact with the atmospheres or lanching from ground. They can be recharged and refueld in space.

We don't need to be limited to slingshots. Only having to send up to low Mars / Earth orbit for samples will reduce mission costs.

What is the benifet to humans here I suppose goes with the cost line. AI that isn't used for genocide? More efficent costs of energy usage here at home? Standardized energy logistics to extend the life of other missions instesd of abandoning them? The ability to remotely upgrade and repair satelites. The ability to develop ion engines with reliable solar power outside the range of the sun for scalability. Improve the efficency and scalability of battery tech here on earth and eventually mining and tansporting the resources in space. By processing resources in space we don't need to ruin our planet in getting them.

Eventually taking the next step to become a Type 1 civilization and ending scarcity. picard-excited which I think is a far more noble goal and investment than blowing each other up.

[-] BashfulBob@hexbear.net 4 points 1 week ago

We can fairly easily build a space station around Mars.

Alright. Let me know where you're at in a week.

[-] Evilphd666@hexbear.net 2 points 6 days ago

I keep finding $10 to $20 billion in the couch cushions every few months, but DaBiden keeps blowing it up in the burn pits of Gaza and Ukraine. Really amazing. Then they say NASA's budget is cut again. No idea how this keeps happening. They did approve another 100-200 billion on top of the trillion dollar base war budget though so maybe the Space Force might be able to do it. Oh shit I just gave them ideas now!

this post was submitted on 09 Oct 2024
114 points (100.0% liked)


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