I'm not sure if this is controversial or not - but I (mostly) don't like games that are primarily set underground.
There are a few exceptions to this, Dungeon Keeper and The Binding of Isaac spring to mind, but mostly I find it actively discouraging. Perhaps it's a desire to explore under the sky, perhaps it's that it feels claustrophobic, or perhaps it's the gloom.
I don't have a problem with the dark or claustrophobia in the real world, so it's not that. Anything that involves dungeon crawling immediately puts me off. I don't want to go down into the dark! I want to be outside!
I wasn't a fan of the Metro series until Exodus, I bounced off Recettear as soon as the dungeon element was introduced. Anything that wants me to spend an extended period underground with monsters is just a massive turn-off for me. Sewer levels and the like also have this, to a lesser extent.
Anyone else have this specific dislike?
I remember being outdoors feeling like a relief in the original Half-Life.
In Far Cry, I definitely preferred being outside. Same with Metro.
I think in most FPS games I've played, the player doesn't have the developer ambush them with stuff outside. Maybe that's a factor.