Win? Move further right. Lose? Move further right.
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
Find your local/state Dems, get involved with them, figure out who the conservatives are and replace them... It's not hard, like 10 people vote in those elections... They are the ones who elect DNC leadership, take the local and state parties, take the DNC
Lol, you haven't heard what the "victory fund" really is yet, have you?
The state parties have to toe the line, or they're abandoned.
Terrible strategy if the plan is getting Dems in office, great move if you're blocking any real progress in exchange for ~~bribes~~ donations.
They'll be abandoned by the big corporate donors, but that's the point... They need a message so popular that real people will support them with money and votes
We just started skipping the step where we pick a candidate people want to vote for, and jump straight to fundraising and then never get around to focusing on using the money to get votes.
The modern DNC literally only cares about money and it keeps letting trump get elected