municipal capitulation to desire
Desire paths Desire paths can be paths created as a consequence of erosion caused by human or animal foot-fall or traffic. The paths usually represent the shortest or most easily navigated routes between origins and destinations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desire_path
So basically it makes cycling energy management less efficient? Is there a point to that?
Well, you know how cyclists complain about cars blocking or speeding on their parts of the street? Same goes for pedestrians and cyclists because people being assholes isn't dependent on their type of vehicle. That's why you have to slow down even bikes sometimes.
Or, just a thought, on a path that wide you could designate one half for cyclists and one half for pedestrians and everyone could drive at their preferred speed.
We have these where I live and pedestrians 100% ignore it. Cyclists do pretty often too.
Then it's probably made wrong. A line and some markings isn't enough.
Yes, so that they don’t run into the pedestrians and traffic on the next street with high speed.