She got half of Burgerland to think that everything they don't like is Russian propaganda, that the evil Russians helped Trump steal the 2016 election, Russia Russia Russia, it's the ultimate thought-terminating cliche now. And even in the face of cold, hard evidence to the contrary (ie: Mueller report, off the top of my head) Libs just stomp their feet and insist that it's still RUSSIAAAAA!!!!!1
I guess Bill O'Riely would be the Republican equivalent of her, but his oafishness and toxic masculinity got the best of him and he ~~ended up losing everything~~ got a multi-million dollar severance package from Fox News and then faded into irrelevancy.
Seriously though, I can't think of anybody that could rival Maddow in terms of how effectively she brainwashed tens of millions of Burgerlanders into believing an absolute, absurd fantasy. You can't have anything that resembles a level-headed discussion with any Lib anymore, largely due to her influence (and others of course, but I feel like she's the most prominent figure in this regard).
Can you think of anyone that could rival her impact? Who else would be in the same league of propagandists in this day?
EDIT: Obviously I forgot to mention Tucker Carlson, but he also got kicked off Fox lol
Can't think of other examples. Just wanted to say that this happening is horrifying.
Yeah comrade, I was once accused of “spreading Russian propaganda” for simply sharing an article written by Benjamin Norton (the article had absolutely nothing to do with Russia whatsoever) because he was on a Russia Today podcast once (I guess?).
Absolutely deranged shit.
I mean, where do you even go from there? It's worse than being a rabid flat earther. That generation that said TV turns brains to mush was right.
Yeah it sure is a conversation ender. Not much you can say to that if they're just gonna stomp their feet whenever you disagree with them about something.