i also have the right to boycott everything in her orbit, because she is a hateful disinfo spreading terf who is going to get people hurt.
You are correct about this, Im not disagreeing.
Im just saying it would be nice to have the choice between the traditional oath and a non-royal version for whatever personal reason. "I promise to be loyal, steadfast, and obey the laws of Canada" (etc). Seems like that wouldnt negate the technical role of the monarchy, I dont know.
Even acknowledging that he plays a legal role in how Canada operates (technically) its still ridiculous that anyone would have to do this, or get in trouble for refusing. An oath to obey the laws of a country, sure, but swearing loyalty to an unelected monarch seems like it should be optional at the least.
how would it lead to less good stuff?
Sorry, this isnt just about banning twitter because they dont like it. This happening because Twitter is boosting all manner of hate speech, misinformation, disgusting content and calling for violence against vulnerable people. Its an unmoderated far right propoganda hose. Free societies should ban nazi propaganda actually, we know what happens when you tolerate this stuff or brand it as "just another opinion."
CEO Sam Altman, who had previously emphasized that he didn’t have any equity in the company, will now get equity worth billions, in addition to ultimate control over OpenAI.
what! You mean he stands to profit billions after lying about his intentions?! A techbro would never!!
"If you tell our customers we misled them, that would be bad for our business!"
Maybe its just me but I'd be way more likely to buy a game if I knew it was made by well treated workers.
"absorbing and destroying a unique company would be a real feather in the old cap"
"Protect the children" is the new "fight terror". Big empty phrases that only end up taking away rights and targeting minorities.
Yes. Out of touch and also disdainful of the entertainment his compankes make, seemingly.
Hes the kind of guy who would attend a TCM event with famous directors and talk about how he loved film, only to attempt killing off the whole channel not long after (he was talked out of it by some of those same directors)
He hates all entertainment that isnt cheap reality TV, and is the worst possible person to oversee an entertainment empire.