I didn't. Re-read my comment; this was purely hypothetical.
As we all know, no one one won either of the World Wars. Being the bloodiest conflicts in history, they are furthest from the possibility of having a victor.
I didn't. Re-read my comment; this was purely hypothetical.
As we all know, no one one won either of the World Wars. Being the bloodiest conflicts in history, they are furthest from the possibility of having a victor.
You're supposed to do a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus so you don't get stuck in simple loops.
Dead tied, huh? Total standstill? I wonder if the available evidence supports this conclusion.
Because if it didn't, we might have to conclude that you're either propagandized to the point of delusion, or being dishonest.
If you shouldn't respond to bad faith with bad faith, what is the solution?
As a white person
In all seriousness, how do I tell if I'm white? I keep thinking about another user's example of Assad. He appears white-passing, but his name, religion and nationality would each be enough for him to be considered non-white in the US.
And is a case like that one where it actually matters to what extent the person identifies with whiteness?
Why not all of the above, and a dedicated idiot to boot?
excuse me, this is fan site for the podcast Citations Needed, get your facts straight.
also lmao, when you end up calling anarchists leninists you are proving us right -- you do need to be educated about the definitions of basic terms.
this movement you have here
my dude, this is an internet forum. despite what some may think, this site is not in fact the front lines of the movement that will bring about communism.
so I don't think anyone gives two shits about convincing you of anything. best I can dream of is getting you to learn the definitions of words like "prole".
Verbosity is the soul of wit.
Jesus, I know what you mean. I've been on this site from the beginning, off and on, but sometimes it's hard to tell what's sarcasm, or if it's a bit. For example:
Definitely a bit: /u/NeeraTanden
Still can't tell if it's a bit: /u/LiberalSocialist
No, I'm asking you for a solution to what you called a "problem with our logic".
If you shouldn't respond to bad faith with bad faith, what should you do?