Ended the day at 2.3% lower which is basically a normal day and not indicative that anyone at this stage believes Boeing will take the blame.
This is not news.
Ended the day at 2.3% lower which is basically a normal day and not indicative that anyone at this stage believes Boeing will take the blame.
This is not news.
The 5 year price graph is much nicer to view.
I can recommend Reuters, given it still has a little bit of sports and opinion, but I find it's good at providing neutral facts and sources it's knowledge from appropriate experts for its opinion pieces.
It only lacks in providing local level news, where I turn to my country's national broadcaster.
This is literally what taxation and subsidies are for.
Don't listen to everyone else, they clearly don't know your situation and that it is totally different to theirs. It's a fantastic idea, and can only end in the situation you are hoping for. Please keep us updated on how it goes :)
In case that wasn't motivating enough for you to try this amazing idea and report back to us (v. important) try these sentences:
Wtf is the Australian civil war?
While I understand the sentiment, such action doesn't match the long term goals of the bloc to unify the continent. Another solution needs to be found to ensure single bad actors cannot hold up actions which severely impact the remaining stakeholders - I have no idea how it could be done though.
Xoxo, Another useless armchair observer
Planet earth is not prepared for rapidly growing climate risks.
Everyone is a bit shit here (including whoever came up with that title...). No one "won" anything here.
DoE wanted to use "emergency" measures to survey miner's energy use, which is likely outside of the scope of the original intent of such powers (which appears to be why the judge granted a temporary restraining order?).
The Bitcoin miner's claim the data release would cause "irreparable harm to their business..." If that's not an admission of guilt, then I don't know what is.
...just mayyyyyybe it's beecause they sell the uniform supply contract and make a lot of money for their budget from it? Dunno.
This is not correct for devices being sold to the EU at least. Part of the amendment to the Radio Equipment Regulation outlines the exact standards for power delivery that must be used, and that interfaces which are capable of being charged @ > 15W must "ensure that any additional charging protocol allows for the full functionality of the USB Power Delivery...".
For data transfer, I don't see the point and future improvements to USB will come from industry in future.
The only way around this is with a wireless charging protocol, but manufacturers are moving away from that it appears.
I have a Clara 2E. It was some time ago, so I cannot remember all the fine details, but I couldn't get mine to start without some internet connection. I gave a throwaway email and allowed it to update before I switched off WiFi and could freely move books with Calibre.
To it's credit, in 3 years since purchase it has not asked for internet since switching it on the first time.