Or Blender
Oh interesting, didn't think of Graphics drivers getting in the way. It'll go on a Framework laptop, most if not everything should work ootb... ~famous last words~
Ayo you got me all hot and bothered there for a second! 😂
For women ~~of childbearing age~~? It DOES.
Oh right, I forgot. Ahem... REDDIT?! HERESY!!1!
Damn that's a shame
Ayo wtf, that desktop is pretty asf. Well done!
Except they're not calling it the solution, just a remedy to a literally growing problem. Even if people stopped polluting the ocean in an instant, you'd still have to clean up the patch. Now, they're taking the initiative to go clean it up as best they can, which is a heck of a lot more than the average person lemme tell ya that much.
This dude rn
The tanks can be as realiable as can be, but ain't nobody can do smth about the air being full of drones...
Braindead take