I usually assume when Europeans complain about American beers, they just are complaining about our "domestic" beers like Bud Light, Coors, PBR, etc. which makes sense, they are our bottom shelf beers.

I recently chatted with someone at a party who said "no, all American beers are bad" including microbrewery beers.

I've never been to Europe so I wouldn't know, but I do like my Left Handed Milk Stout, NWPAs, and hell even the hipstered out IPAs.

Are these what y'all are referencing?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by meep_launcher@lemm.ee to c/showerthoughts@lemmy.world

Edit: Downvote me daddy

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 75 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Oh yea, you can cook it with any vegetable, fruit, or flower, milk, and rock salt to get a tough seafood stew. I those are pretty powerful, like your defense goes up for 5 minutes.

Alternatively mix it with monster parts and you get an elixir but what fun is that?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by meep_launcher@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I was in 5th grade when my dad told me about the Nuremberg trials and the subsequent Milgram experiments.

Edit Wtf you sick perverts, I was talking about when your parents talk to you about authority bias and how you need to be suspicious of power structures that tell you to do things that you would normally consider horrible acts.

Jesus you can't talk about Nazis without someone dragging out Sex Ed these days smh


The Pacific Northwest is now getting Cyclones (Pacific Hurricanes)

I think I speak for many PNW folks when I say we always thought that was more of a Florida thing.


Maybe I'm just exhausted from getting little sleep last night and feeling really sad, but I could use some support.

I've [30m] started dating again since my last break up. For context, I've had a pattern of meeting people, looking for the best in them, get kinda excited although realistically I have reservations, and then within 4 months the whole thing blows up.

I'm off the dating apps because they get me down, and I've only dated friends a few times because I get huge anxiety about potentially losing a friendship if a relationship goes south. I get huge anxiety about relationships in general just because of a long string of heartbreak.

It's happening again- I met someone who came to an event I host, and she was so wonderful. Just a beam of light- her optimism matched mine, she is into many of the things I'm into like biking and climbing, and she even led a jam on piano at my event (I'm a musician and it's a jam based on a principle of musical humanism). At the end of the night, we even got to dancing in the middle of the room. That night I asked her to go swing dancing and if she'd want to see a show I was music directing before. She said yes to both and I felt so excited, but also knowing it was just as friends. I wanted to see if we would be compatible before asking any bigger questions.

The next day I sent a message and a meme, but got no response. My thoughts went to "I'm putting too much pressure on this and she's reacting" or "she's not interested" and it made me pretty blue. The next day I messaged her telling her that the place we were dancing is going to be 20s themed just so she knew what to wear if she wanted, and she texted back like normal- all was good again.

That night she came to my show and we both biked up to the Green Mill (the jazz club in Chicago) and we had a great time. In the middle when we went back for a drink, we kissed and I was so excited. We talked and found we had so much in common- our thoughts on the importance of family, community, and how we can lift eachother up to be better than the sum of our parts. We both are active and extroverted, and felt the same how often times we feel like society wants us to shut up and not be extra. We both love the same kinds of beer. We both had struggled with weed- she put it well that her favorite thing about herself is her social skills, but when she's high it all goes away, just like me. She works for a bike company, I used to work for a bike company. She wants to start a hot dog stand, I want to write a coffee table book about city flags. We even planned to go climbing together for a second date.

I honestly felt like I found my one.

But then she dropped that she had a long distance relationship with a guy in Amsterdam, and that they agreed that it's okay to be open in their relationship. She said she wasn't polyamorous, but it was a way that she felt they could be there for each other while allowing their needs to be met. I told her I'm definitely monogamous and had an open relationship before but it wasn't fun for me. That said she said she was reconsidering her current relationship, but I've also been in similar situations where I've waited for someone to leave their situation to be with them and those also didn't go anywhere.

We biked back that night, and we still had a great time, and she messaged me when she got home. I sent her my number over Instagram, but that was the last message I got. I guess id expect a "hey Meep this is __!" Text so I had her number, but I still haven't heard back. I'm trying not to push it so I'm going to let her be the one to initiate the next conversation.

In the meantime I feel like I'm on an emotional rollercoaster. I mean granted I just met her and I shouldn't be so heavily invested or excited. I should be taking it slow but I don't know how. Hell I barely understand what taking it slow means. I should be perfectly fine being alone in my apartment with my cat. I've done so much work on myself to try and be in a place where I can feel again, but now I feel like I'm going back into another heartbreak.

I know a lot of this is also because I live alone and my family is 2000 miles away. I wrote a song that paints the picture- "oh, I'm floating away/ oh, I'm floating away/ the spacewalk went wrong/ I clipped into the other side/ of the moon/ just to know what distance feels like". I want to feel secure. I want to feel at home. But these relationships I find myself in tend to do the exact opposite. I'm back on the high seas and it's a stormy night.

I just wish I could be like a normal person and not feel. Or at least not feel like this.

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 56 points 4 months ago

I'm voting so the state doesn't kill my sister if she has complications in her pregnancy.

submitted 4 months ago by meep_launcher@lemm.ee to c/funny@lemmy.world
submitted 5 months ago by meep_launcher@lemm.ee to c/cat@lemmy.world

Charlotte was given to me as a 6 pound 6 year old lady, and I've had a wild ride with her health.

At first things were good, but then she started getting diarrhea, vomiting, losing weight, not eating, and peeing outside the litter box. I took her to the vet where I spent $2000 on tests to no avail, so we went with a prescription food.

Even then, she wouldn't touch the prescription food that was to help her sensitive stomach. She kept meowing for food, but wouldn't touch what I gave her. She went down to 4 lbs, which was really concerning.

I tried so many things, until recently I decided to just put some canned chicken breast under her prescription food- my god it's working. She doesn't pee outside the litter box anymore (unless I forget to scoop it), and her weight is back up.

Honestly I just think she hated the food I gave her so much that she would rather die than eat it. I also noted she likes diversity in her food, so I swap between canned tuna and canned chicken mixed with her normal prescription food. She also is much, much happier.

submitted 5 months ago by meep_launcher@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

At the end of his life, my grandpa subsisted on 2 pints of strawberry banana yoplait yogurt and a pack of Coors light a day. What dietary hell will you fall into?

Halp (i.imgur.com)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by meep_launcher@lemm.ee to c/cat@lemmy.world

Hey I don't know where to post so I just have my darling Charlotte to trojan horse my bs into a community.

I feel like the skills I have are useless. After years unable to hold down a job, I decided to go all in and follow my dream. My problem was that I was $10k in debt after a temp job ended unexpectedly sooner than promised. I've been able to get to a point where I'm set to make $60k on my own, which may not seem like much but as an artist that's huge, but not enough to help me dig out of my debt.

I'm looking at moving back from Chicago to Seattle to get a higher paying job, but none of the skills I have seem to be wanted. I'm a music director at theaters, a multi-instrumentalist, and I'm putting together a non-profit for musicians to connect with values based organizations, but when I look to the world of tech, or at least where the money is, none of that seems to matter. I'm told I have skills, but I just don't think there's a place for me in this world. I just don't think what I bring is valuable enough for someone to say "hey, you should be able to eat". Frankly, today I've had that old voice come back telling me I shouldn't be here anymore. Charlotte is a needy girl and is making sure I don't leave, but man it's hard.

It's like... I want to give up on the dream, but like... Where would I go? Who would I be? I have done this before when I left comedy- I don't have the constitution for that world, but at least music was something I'm good at. I can play 22 instruments. I write songs. Improv. Jazz. I teach. I conduct. But none of that matters now. None of it is wanted. Especially with this new world and AI stealing our work, artists just aren't valued. I grew up in Seattle, the arts capital of the US from 1990-2010, but tech came in and napalmed it. I thought maybe I could join the "evil empire" but sure enough they don't want me.

I just don't feel like I belong here. I'm even thinking of giving Charlotte to a more capable human. Idk. Sorry.

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 78 points 5 months ago

"I will have you know I'm a self made man, just like my father and his father before him"

submitted 6 months ago by meep_launcher@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
submitted 6 months ago by meep_launcher@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 130 points 7 months ago

I think it is fair to judge Biden by his record more than his accute gaffs. He's old af, so on a minute to minute basis, he's unable to keep a coherent thought. But if you look at what he does in a more macro sense, his administration has been brilliant. It's the entire "I'm smart in my head but I can't fully articulate it" situation. Basically he has solid philosophy, he just can't sell it anymore.

Frankly, if Biden didn't have to go into the public, he would be a great president for the next 4 years (with the support he has). Harris will be sharper in public, and I think she will take the Biden positions one step further.

Ultimately to win elections, Democrats need to be better story tellers. They keep pulling up statistics and data, but they need to create a more visceral message. The GOP fear monger with stories of "an immigrant invasion", but Dems have yet to create a blockbuster "women dying of lack of abortion access" story. I mean those stories are out there, they just need better messengers.

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 78 points 7 months ago

Terfs are the equivalent to toxic masculinity ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 86 points 7 months ago

My sister's take has been that since trans women don't go through the pain of menstruation or giving birth, they have no right to suggest they "earned" being a woman.

I mean that and she thinks Disney became woke and they ruined her beloved 90s films. I remember talking about Putin and how he said the most Bond villain thing with "you in the west believe history is a struggle between oppression and freedom, I see it as a struggle between chaos and order". Her take is history is a struggle between modesty and debauchery and we've gone too far in the debauchery direction.

I love her, and she can surprise me with her humor, but overall she can turn into Angela from the office, but she's not even religious.

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 146 points 11 months ago

I'm tired of figuring out what's gay or straight. I just wanna fuck in peace.

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 82 points 11 months ago

As someone who's self employed, I feel like self employment is a form of rebellion against this system.

My dad teases me that his socialist son is now a capitalist because I give music lessons and host events. I'm pretty sure I'm not because I don't profit from the labor of someone else, I do all the work and anyone who helps me isn't existentially tied to me.

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 62 points 11 months ago

If anyone is wondering, this is the C6/9 chord shown on sheet music, a keyboard, and guitar tablature. I have started using the 6/9 chords a lot since they are just so warm and cozy.

A "6/9" chord means that when playing a triad (a chord with 3 notes), you would add the 6th and the 9th note in the scale that the chord is in. So for instance, the key of C has neither sharps nor flats, so C major is [C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C]. To make a C major triad, we take the 1st, 3rd, and 5th note of the series and play them together [C, E, G]. To make this a 6/9 chords, we add the 6th and 9th, so [C, E, G, A, and D].

The sequence in the major scale I provided has only 8 notes in it, so to make a note the 9th, you are just taking the 2nd and popping it up an octave. In this case, D is both the 2nd and 9th, but we say the 9th because we want to have that D on the high end of the note and really sing out!

Here's Adam Neely to explain more.

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 106 points 1 year ago

Ace Hardware is where you find frustrated tenants who decided it would just be easier to fix the sink themselves rather than deal with the landlord

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 117 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hello, I'm meep_launcher, and I'm a recovering moderator.

Not only did my tools get taken, after the mass exedus, my mod queue exploded. There were so many more racist reports than before, and I was mod of a political satire subreddit.

Turns out the exedus took all the left leaning redditors leaving behind real pieces of work.

Glad I made the switch, and I set up cartographyanarchy here, so maybe I can get back to doing what I love, shitposting maps.

Shitpost maps with me!

One more edit, I want to get this community up and running, so if you post in the next 24 hours I will write your map a song and post the link in the comments.

Oh also DM if you want to be a mod! Definitely looking for folks skilled in the art of Lemmy, coding, or just being all around wholesome.

[-] meep_launcher@lemm.ee 62 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

In the article they noted this was the same for millennials and gen x before them. I'm going to assume the standard for youths purchasing cars was with the baby boomer generation. I know my dad told me when he was young, you would purchase a cool car that didn't work for the equivalent of $100 dollars, get a friend to tow it home, then work on it for a few weeks to get it running. He told me how much he missed his MG Midget, which let's recognize as a cool ass car for a kid to have. He could fix that car with a wrench, a stick of butter, and a deck of cars*. All his friends would be doing the same.

Nowadays it would be a $1k junker, and you'd need to have a computer science degree to fix the onboard computer while having all the specific tools to get into their proprietary parts. There are older cars too, but the standard of fixing a car has increased, all the while each generation has less time and money to do it.

  • This was a typo, but I love this typo. You say deck of cards, I say deck of cars, Thank you @otp@sh.itjust.works !
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