Oh yes, you are correct. “ReTruths” should have given it away 🤦♂️
Kash Patel’s twitter handle is Kash_Patel.
How did you meet? And if you went on a honeymoon, where did you go?
one night stand with a really hot 18 year old woman
This post is a weird flex
I couldn't find this tweet on Elon Musk's Twitter feed
Google has become an awful company. I'm in the process of degoogling but it's not easy given all the monopolies they have created
Yeah, it's not all electric, some of the train is just regular matter
That chiropractic care is not evidence based
On the flip side, transplant given to person who follows medical advice
There is a lot of Stack Overflow hate in this thread. I never had a bad experience. I was always on there yelling at noobs, telling them to Google it, and linking to irrelevant questions. It was just wholesome fun that briefly dulled my crippling insecurities
I'm a Demodex folliculorum and I'm currently dating a Demodex brevis so I'm somewhat of an expert. Our host is pretty gross and rarely showers which has made the real estate in this area really expensive. We've been trying to move to another host but the opportunity hasn't come up yet. Anyway, to answer your question, we have scuba gear.
Ugh, I was hopeful that this wasn’t true but unfortunately you are correct. Thanks for the link.