The benefit of a tarrif on Tesla vs opening the market to China is that we can easily undo it if there is a US coup, Trump gets medicated, gets burned, whatever. There's still the potential that this is a temporary situation, not the new reality. If we open up to a third party, we can't put the genie back in the bottle.
It's time for Liberals and Conservatives to merge
I'm in my disturbingly late 40s and I can still run more than 15k in 90 minutes. But I wouldn't want to run back.
ha ha ha I totally forgot O'toole even existed. And in my head, in place of his face, I can only picture the road salesman from The Office (US).
Progressive politics are not what young white men want. Everyone else is dying for them. Have you looked at the polling?
Ontario's gonna write in "Doug Ford"
Are you joking right now? Canada is dealing with Trump by electing Big Strong Tough Men.
You KNOW that the Westons are dumping tons of money into astroturfing this "Canada First" bullshit.
I don't think it's a causal relationship; rather I think they share causes.
Yes. Excellent. Stop pretending to be progressives and confusing everyone. Move right, and split the conservative vote for once.
Fuck Ubisoft. For every hour of Ubisoft you play, I'm going to play two hours of indie games.
Under the hypothesis that Russia influences Trump, the point is to drive a wedge between the USA and all other Western democracies, the same way it attempts to create conflict between factions within the USA and other democratic nations.