[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 2 points 17 hours ago

Ешь дерьмо, русский тролль.

[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 3 points 20 hours ago

I would have said the Cyberpunk TTRPG. Shadowrun was basically Cyberpunk with magic.

Cyberpunk even predicted this


[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I am not a Ford fan, but I do trust his motives. He doesn't want the US to destroy us because he wants to continue enriching himself and his friends. Trade wars are bad for capitalism. He is a capitalist. Free trade is good at making people rich. Trade wars are not.

So no, I don't think Ford is pro-Trump. He's pro-profit and when Trump was all about business, he supported some of what Trump said, now that Trump has shown he is anti-business, Ford is against him.

There is no doubt in my mind.

[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 4 points 2 days ago

If it keeps tending in the direction it's going, even if the conservatives get more seats, they may not necessarily win. We're almost in coalition territory. We would be already if the BQ and Liberals were willing to work together.

[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 22 points 1 month ago

Your listening comprehension needs work. He didn't say 155 products, he said 155 billion worth of products.

And he didn't say if.

[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 36 points 4 months ago

It was the straw that broke the camels back to get me to switch to Linux.

[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 38 points 4 months ago

This is proof they don't understand the endgame here. The only (legal) type of slavery left in the United States is prisoner labour. It is not a coincidence that the right wants to make so many things criminal. It's also not a coincidence they want to keep poor people desperate because it makes them more likely to commit crime. It's not a coincidence they support minimum sentences.

More crime, more free labour, more for profit prisons selling services.....

[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 21 points 4 months ago

Because it's never been about anything other than control. The right to choose anything is abhorrent to them. The only rights they want you to have are the right to be dictated to and the right to be like them.

[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 45 points 7 months ago

For me it is. I migrated my wife last week and mine is next week. AI spying is the last straw for me.

[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 29 points 8 months ago

Elon Musk makes lots of claims.....

[-] ragepaw@lemmy.ca 77 points 1 year ago

No. But I should. Probably time to start.

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