It's an absurdist joke. X)
I cannot believe these people make more than me lol.
Tried and true! I also add a jar because they make me jump, I can't help it lol. I have had big orb spiders crawl on me in the woods while climbing in the US and we have large spiders here incl. the giant English house spider here. They are both the size of hands. Freak me the fuck out haha.
They keep the bad stuff out, I figure. I try to put them in my plant pots if I find them around.
Thank you fart✨sparkles. You are stunning too.
Me too, they're so pretty. They basically fall out of the wall in Dorset.
You can see what happens when the wood gets exposed on the little black one. The big guy is clay.
One that's mostly polished up:
I am saving these for teaching tools. They were collected with help from a good friend of mine that does palaeontology. My research is only Holocene lol.
I posted some snaps here when I first pulled them out of the ground of this batch. I haven't polished the resin yet on most of the encased ones, but I'll post a snap after my phone charges a little bit. I have some fossils that turned into clay, ancient wood fragments and belemnites in there too. All are from the Jurassic Coast in Dorset.
They will decay within 2 years after hitting oxygen. Solution: Encase them in resin. Source: What I did with these pyrite fossils on my desk.
You guys are gutting funding, unfortunately.