My non technical but space fan wife loves this and we are both going to install it because, why not!
Even better yet the r/softwaregore sub removed my post because google gets posted too often.
That catagorically makes is worst since it is trying to tell me to out code into my program.
Padding fixes everything
A closed down gas station with a price set at $4.20. Some worker had a great last day.
As an undecided, never trumper, Trump looked like an asshat. The oldest trick in the rhetoric books is to attack the person instead of the subject. A sure sign of weakness.
This is the only kind of comment where I miss the r place.
Only reason i clicked this post
This is the way
There is an indy game called Barony that does this. I got this message when closing the game after getting smooshed by a boulder.
Almond joy
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joined 1 year ago
Cries in lactose intolerance.