[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 3 points 8 hours ago

Same. I probably won’t even notice if I keep running into them making the place toxic, but if they just want to argue or be offensive and won’t stop, yeah I’ve blocked a couple

[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 12 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

I’d quibble with calling it “deranged”. Illogical sure. Nonsense, even ridiculous, but not deranged.

His only real play has always been to define a scapegoat and stoke outrage. That’s the point here, rather than anything useful

[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 3 points 9 hours ago

That actually happens? I can’t say I’ve ever gotten hateful misinformation in the mail (and no, I don’t want to find out). My snail mail is mostly spam, with the occasional bill that doesn’t want to be electronic. More than half the time, it all goes directly in the recycle bin.

[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 2 points 10 hours ago

Jesus Christ, what a load of crap. No tragedy is horrible enough to keep people from wanting to profit.

I’ll buy those door wedges as prudent and cost effective, as well as safety drills: being able to react to an emergency can be important. Does every school do that yet

But do you know what I have seen in every school my kids have gone to? There’s always a door propped open, broken, or trivial to bypass the lock. Why don’t we start there?

[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 2 points 10 hours ago

I always wonder about that:

  • I knew a guy with a truck to commute alone into Boston for a desk job. Does home improvement projects but most of the time it’s an excessive vehicle
  • Family up the street - a couple of the grown kids live at home and all have trucks. On the one hand it’s a family of Trades, but on the other hand the trucks are spotless, customized, and I never see tools.
[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 2 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

I did always wonder about the ladder thing. I see ladders on vans all the time, but it also seems inconvenient. Even as a taller guy, it looks like a reach. How do y’all do it, especially if you are on site alone? Are there racks with some sort of lifting mechanism?

Edit: nvm, someone already posted a picture of such a rack

[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 2 points 11 hours ago

I suppose there’s always a way, always a compromise that could have been made.

However our situation was more extreme than most. As a software engineer, I earned enough to support my family reasonably well, even on one income. Our family could afford that my ex be a stay-at-home Mom, which many families could not. One of the benefits was also to allow my ex the opportunity to take the job most fulfilling to her (as the kids went to school), despite it paying well below the average income, well below what she could have earned. Trying to support a family on that would be very poor indeed

[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 18 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)
  • The arrogance of seeing only established manufacturers.
  • The self-centeredness of assuming US and European are the only markets that matter, and product mix in US is more profitable.
  • The instant gratification of not thinking beyond quarterly financials.
  • The lack of knowledge of his own business and how to fit engineering timelines into marketing timelines
[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 3 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

I’m not saying that lack of women’s opportunity was better: I’m saying it was easier to choose children in a family when one parent could afford it, when one parent could be dedicated to it.

I’m also not saying women’s lack of choice and opportunity was a good thing or that we should wish for it, but you can see how it facilitated a higher birth rate. We never want to go back, but how do we make it easier for people to choose more children, in that context? How can that conflict ever be fixed?

For myself, I loved taking care of kids and believe I would have made a great stay at home Dad. However among other things, my ex could not financially support our family alone and it would have seriously derailed my career, my future ability to support our family. Now that women have the same opportunity, the same choice, the same freedom, they’re also stuck with the same consequences. How can we expect more parents to choose children when you face less ability to support them, for both men and women.

Regardless of societal changes being for the better, we have lasting changes that will keep the birth rate too low

[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 3 points 14 hours ago

The Black Plague, WW1, WW2

That’s my point

  • Black Plague resulted in hundreds of years or pd societal disruption, end of political and economic structure and changing national borders -WWI caused the rise of Nazism and Communism, creating 100 years of societal disruption, end of political and economic structure and changing national borders
  • WWII caused huge societal disruption, destruction of former economic and political power, changing national borders. As an American, I benefit from the destruction in previous economic powerhouses that helped the dominance of us capitalism for half a century, but people in those countries may not appreciate it, nor am I blind enough to see it as all good.

Your examples are also one time events, vs lasting societal changes

  • regardless of the horrors of war, it’s eventually over
  • do you think our economic system will go back to one income being enough
  • do you think we should stop educating women, stop giving the opportunities?
  • do you think women’s role is in the kitchen and bedroom and do you really think we’re goi g back to that?
  • do you think people will stop taking the edge off with internet porn?

Your examples are limited in scope, leaving much of the world unaffected

  • Black Plague was mostly Europe, everyone else was fine -WWI, mostly Europe
  • WWII was much bigger but still many areas unaffected
  • so far the plunge in birth rates is ubiquitous. Different places are on different parts of the curve, but it happens everywhere
[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 7 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

I doubt they fear surrender.

It’s more like preferring quick and painless suicide over lying in the field maimed and in desperate pain wishing you had died. Maybe you’ll die slowly as you bleed out. May e you’ll be a target of the new thermite drone and be set on fire to die in agony. Maybe you’ll live on in pain and disfigurement with no hope for the future. Maybe you’re not there willingly and do not want to kill or see your friends killed

[-] AA5B@lemmy.world 29 points 14 hours ago

Not to mention being this close to someone younger than their child

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/assholedesign@lemmy.world

I don’t know if this fits the community, but the way ads placement works can lead to some unfortunate results

Just looking for some cooking ideas, and I wish I could forget what I saw

submitted 5 months ago by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/pics@lemmy.world

Insufficient tinting, but lens flair got the image at 95%

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/dadsonly@lemmy.world

Can I just say, I’m really happy how successfully my kids appreciate a huge variety of foods, and I’ll pat myself on the back for part of it.

We had a bit of a rough start with one kid allergic to everything and the other just not eating. Now they’re teenagers and not only know how to eat healthily, but enjoy a huge variety from many cuisines (and are almost at my level for hot sauce)

Today one kid was home and he thoroughly enjoyed:

  • breakfast: cilbir
  • lunch: pupusas with avocado mash (and when I offered my hot sauce selection, he picked ghost pepper sauce!!!!)
  • dinner: tuna steak and halloumi over salad in a sesame dressing with nori

At my house: dinner around the world!

Edit: or maybe I need to rephrase …. As Americans with no other cultural heritage and whose families eat “American” food, my kid in one day had food inspired by Mediterranean cuisine, Central American, and Asian. Polished his plate and asked for more!

submitted 7 months ago by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/fuckcars@lemmy.world

I can talk the talk, but this is really going to test that ……

I live in a fairly walkable town outside one of the most walking and transit oriented cities in the US. I’ve always been a transit and walkable communities advocate.

My town is centered on a train station/bus/taxi/scooter/bicycle hub and we have a traditional walkable “Main Street” with shops and restaurants that we pedestrianize for the summer. We have a new rail trail that will eventually connect to a statewide network, a riverwalk and even kayak rentals in the middle of downtown

Higher density housing is centered on the downtown, dominated by 4-6 story apartment/condos, including residential over commercial. Works great. Surrounding that is a belt of 2-3 story multifamily houses, townhouses, and small apartments. I’m the first street zoned for single family, but I can still walk to the town center, and take the train into the nearby major city.

I even spoke up in favor of new statewide zoning, requiring “as of right” zoning for large apartment buildings near transit …… maybe you see where this is going …..

When I was out walking my dog this morning, I saw construction …. apparently there are a couple huge 6 story apartment buildings going in just a couple blocks away. It all seemed like a great idea until it was my neighborhood. It was a great idea when things were grouped by size. But now it’s a behemoth towering over three deckers and the like, and even looming near single family housing.

I’ve “talked the talk” but really don’t know if I can “walk the walk”. This really seems excessive for the neighborhood.

What do you think? Could you still support higher density housing when it means something twice the height going into your neighborhood, hundreds of tenants where now it’s 3-10 per building? What would you do when you get what you were asking for but it’s in your neighborhood and way out of scale?

submitted 7 months ago by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/iphone@lemmy.world

I currently have no use for spatial photos, can’t justify the price of the Vision Pro headset, and really don’t have a reason to have strong motivation.

Looking back at old family photos, I see sepia from my parents, faded from when I was a kid, and low rez/faded even from when my kids were little, looking across that timeline, the march of technology is clear. Older photos are noticeably older (even when not printed).

However I have a phone that can take spatial pictures and has extra storage, and I just had to raise my iCloud storage. Assuming spatial photos and videos becomes commonplace, it will be another noticeable jump in photo technology. Reviewers of the Vision Pro rave about them

Do you think

  • spatial photos will become common/normal, or are just a fad like 3D tv?
  • is there a standard format or is it Apple specific?
  • it’s worth getting a jump on the technology for personal photos, even without a use yet? Presumably I will have a use at such time as I look back on personal photos
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/apple_enthusiast@lemmy.world

After all this online drama over something as silly as green bubbles, I just discovered their power. I had a brief power outage and apparently my cell provider had degraded service, so I had no data and text messages didn’t go through. Then I tried a green bubble conversation and it worked.

SMS worked, when data and iMessage did not. So how can I do that on purpose? I don’t know if this is a normal occurrence but the next time I have degraded service with no data, does anyone know if there is a way to SMS to fellow iPhone users?

submitted 10 months ago by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/homeassistant@lemmy.world

The SkyConnect dongle was sold as Zigbee but with the promise of also supporting Thread. This is available in HA as experimental. Does anyone have experience with how stable it is? Is it close to ready?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/fuckcars@lemmy.world

Is there a difference, and what?

I’ve been reading about the “15 minute city” idea, and it is both fascinating and brings back good memories. I’ve lived in a few neighborhoods of Boston, where my biggest use of a car is finding some place to stash one long term. I had all my daily needs in a short walk, as was a subway station. Combine that with a monthly pass and the freedom to go anywhere was fantastic. I know people in NYC with similar experiences, including several who never had a reason to learn to drive. My oldest is at college and on experiencing campus life, commented similarly. I hope y’all get to experience this some day

However the Boston area has focussed on” transit oriented development “ for the last few decades. They use zoning and other development tools to encourage mixed neighborhoods with more housing, more retail, and even more office space focussed on transit hubs. It’s not just a train station but each is a “hub”, centering other options including bus routes, taxis, trails, cycling, and other personal transportation. This is a lot of what makes a “15 minute city” possible. Now we’re extending it to Eastern Massachusetts, where any town convenient to transit needs to have similar zoning actively supporting transit oriented development.

These two concepts seem very similar, except for the special case of college campuses. What’s the difference, or is it just evolving terminology? Which is better? Are there strengths of one approach that need more attention in the other?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/apple_enthusiast@lemmy.world

Has anyone else seen problems using a portable charger (USB-A) with their new phone?

I plugged the phone into my portable charger and saw all four status LEDs, indicating the charger saw the phone and had a full charge available. However my phone never started charging, and the status lights on the charger eventually went off as it gave up.

At first I thought it was the new cables, but I used the same cable with an old Apple charger, no problem. Unfortunately I don’t have another usb-c device I can try with that cable and portable charger.

The portable charger charges older (Lightning) phones, so that is not the problem.

So all three of my new iPhone, portable charger, and new cable work in other scenarios but not this specific combination.

Edit to add: rebooting worked. Thanks @weksa@lemm.ee

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/apple_enthusiast@lemmy.world

Now that we see the iPhone 15 with the new usb-c port, what’s your first impression?


For me it’s not too big a deal, functionally identical. I have the pro, so could use high speed data, but I never have used the charging cable for data and am not likely to start now. I appreciate faster charging but realistically charge overnight, so no change

I understand and support the goal of one set of chargers and cables for everything, but in the immediate term, it does mean buying new cables and chargers, and it means all the existing ones going to waste.

-- so far, I’ve had to buy two cables, a charger, and two new power strips with USB-C, and there will be more to come

-- My teens still have Lightning iPhones and they’re hard on cables, so my old cables won’t go to waste.

-- admittedly, I’m trying to jump past the next transition by moving to usb-c chargers somewhat rather than buy new usb-a to usb-c cables for old chargers

-- I bought a usb-c watch cable but am not counting that because it was a replace t for a damaged usb-a Watch cable

-- I’ll still need charging cables for my car, and my laptop bag, and I’m sure additional charging block or two

submitted 1 year ago by AA5B@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world

So I have the opposite problem with a Chromebook from everyone else online, and haven’t been able to find any info ….

How would school management work on a personal Chromebook?

My teen is starting at a new school and they provide a free Chromebook, managed by the school. They do warn that it’s restricted and logged so he should keep personal use on a personal device.

That’s fine but he got his free Chromebook today and is seriously disappointed. The “new” school one is crap compared to his 4 or 5 year old personal Chromebook that I had to buy for his previous school. He wants to use his old one.

However what does that mean for school management? Can he even use his school account or only if he enrolls his personal device? Is management tied to the device or account? Since it’s his personal device, can he just create multiple logins and switch between them, or will the school see all and restrict all?

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