[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 79 points 2 months ago

It only took a couple billion monkeys a few million years but one did eventually write out the full works of Shakespeare

[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 121 points 2 months ago

Leave a bowl out with a sign that says "if the bowl is empty, please knock." You don't even have to fill the bowl with anything.

[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 44 points 2 months ago

Can't wait! Cheap linux laptops are abound!


How do these companies come to that conclusion? I think most people start to smell after only 24 or 48 hours max so how do these companies get 72 hours out of their testing?

Im assuming they're fudging their numbers but at what point does it become false advertisement?

[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 68 points 3 months ago

She lived almost 3 times the average life expectancy for her species!?! That's genuinely insane! Imagine a human living to 180 years old!

[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 41 points 7 months ago

"I would fight fascism to my last breath" "I would be part of the resistance movement if a fascist government took power"

proceeds to do none of the un-sexy things needed to prevent fascism from taking hold in the first place


I'm looking to change my reading and buying habits away from Amazon and need an alternate source for my ebooks. Where can I buy ebooks that won't expire or have their licence revoked and will allow me to download a copy of that ebook I can store on my own system regardless of the websites status?

[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 40 points 9 months ago

"seriously wormtongue, you need to go outside more often"


My PC is getting on a little, it's running on an i7-4790k, 16gb ddr4, and a GTX 970. right now, it's struggling some in most games even though I don't play any triple A titles. What would be a sensible upgrade that wouldn't get totally bottlenecked by the CPU?

In most games I'm playing the CPU is pinned at around 25% while my card is maxed at 100% 3d and vmem usage so I'm fairly sure it's just my card that's the main limiting factor.


With the discussion of whether assisted dying should be allowed in Scotland befing brought up again, I was wondering what other people thought of the topic.

Do you think people should be allowed to choose when to end their own life?

What laws need to be put into place to prevent abuses in the system?

How do we account for people changing their mind or mental decline causing people to no longer be able to consent to a procedure they previously requested?


I want to be able to support the causes I believe in and actually be a part of the change I want to see but I was never taught how to find, join and work with these groups.

I see all the time about protests and community action and people actually going out and helping people who need help and support and I always hated the fact that I only know about it happening after the fact and I want to get involved!

Any help would be much appreciated!


Ive had a couple pairs of walking boots in the past and none of them have survived more than 6-8 3 day hikes and I'm sick of replacing them. What are some points to look for in good walking boots, where should I look to buy them from in the UK, how much should I look to be spending as a rough guide?



I need some help when it comes to clearing out, organising and sorting my stuff.

My house is basically full of stuff and things right now and I really don't think it's helping me out with my health (mental or physical)

I mostly suffer with getting hopelessly distracted, mess blindness, never wanting to get started, and getting overwhelmed with the scope of the task.

One of the reasons I want to get tidied up is because my main hobbies (electronics, drones, and DIY) mean that I've got tons of stuff I need to keep around, but it's also lots of small stuff with lots of different categories and storage requirements so it's really not easy to sort without needing tons of boxes or bins so I still haven't been able to find a good way to store it.

I also don't have much out-of-sight storage in my flat so it's kind of everywhere.

Any tips on storing and sorting would be massively appreciated especially from people who have been through this already and have/are working towards getting clean!


[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 45 points 1 year ago

Do not attribute malice to that which can be explained by stupidity... But never fully discount it.

[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 99 points 1 year ago

Obligatory, "if a company is trying to convince you you don't need a union, you need a union".


For me, it was to always bring a big water bottle (or two smaller ones).

I just got back from a hike on one of the hottest days of the year where I ended up walking around 3 hours and several kilometers after running out of water during the hottest part of the day before I could get to a churchyard with an outdoor tap to fill up on. Not fun!

[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 68 points 1 year ago

Do you know what goes on at drag shows or have you only been to the after hours nsfw shows?

[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 167 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Normally, I'd say that it's a great shame that a piece of valuable scientific equipment was lost and that it's a massive loss to humanity as a whole as the international scientific community is usually able to co-operate regardless of boarders.

But this time, Russia said they won't be sharing any data gathered from this probe with the international community and would be keeping it all to themselves so suddenly I don't give a shit.

[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 52 points 1 year ago

My cousin got a new TV and I was helping to set it up for him. During the setup thing, it had an option to enable AI enhanced audio and visuals. Turning the ai audio on turned the decent, but maybe a little sub par audio, into an absolute garbage shitshow it sounded like the audio was being passed through an "underwater" filter then transmitted through a tin can and string telephone. Idk who decided this was a feature that was ready to be added to consumer products but it was absolutely moronic

[-] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 38 points 1 year ago

They seriously censoring drawings they don't like as if that's gonna stop anyone? What sort of things they been censoring?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by DrownedRats@lemmy.world to c/adhd@lemmy.world

I'm fairly suspect that I've likely got ADHD and/or mild depression and I don't know if ones causing symptoms of the other or if im personally misatributing symptoms here and I want to know how to go about changing this in the best way possible.

The NHS is a wonderful service but unfortunately it's run by the British so it's horrifically overworked and often mismanaged and my area is no exception to the rule.

Mental and physical health services in my area are under funded, under staffed and overworked which means I can't even speak to a GP about my concerns and I worry I won't be taken seriously or brushed aside as a low criticality case. Not to mention all the testimonys from people about GPs not taking adult ADHD seriously assuming they even believe ADHD exists. (See the state of gender health and trans healthcare for an excellent example of a a broken system).

However something (whatever it is) is affecting my life and although I absolutely don't feel like self harm or suicide, etc, I'd very much like something to change.

What are my options here? I've heard people talk about private healthcare but I'm in no position to afford this.

I'd very much appreciate the help from anyone whose been in my position and would desperately want to listen to your stories too.

Thank you!


I watched Nimona on the weekend, it kind of took over my life briefly. It was a blue sky project that spent several years in development before being sold on when the studio closed, bought up by netflix, set to release during the pandemic, then delayed. Let's say my expectations were low but a depth chage came along and blew them sky high.

I don't think I've laughed as much in just under 2 hours in a very long time. Nimona herself was an absolute cherry bomb and I liked her character from minute zero. This only improved as the movie went on.

Ballister was voiced Riz Ahmed and let me say he killed it! He nailed every emotional bit, he was sincere and funny and sometimes sarcastic. Lots of spice in his character!

Ambrosious was well developed and very well voice acted. I liked his character more than I expected to honestly and although we don't get a huge amount of him on screen, his presence made up for that.

As for supporting cast, Todd was fine. Maybe a little overstated but I never hated him more than a hateable character should be! The director was very imposing and stole every scene she was in.

Over all, I really enjoyed it. It was a super fun romp and there's a little bit of something for almost anyone!

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