And this is how the elite force us “lowers” to fight against each other instead of fighting them.
Donald Trump is not only running for president again, he might actually win.
The perpetuation of the myth that you are less of a person for not having a family or children is absolutely fucking disgusting
it hurt itself in its confusion!
It’s about fucking time someone shut her up
“Trump is slurring in a way I've never heard from him before,” remarked podcaster Susan Simpson. “Elon sounds like this is maybe the third or fourth time he's had a conversation with a fellow human.”
Oh, wow… that’s how you kill two birds with one cleverly-worded sentence.
Brava 👏
No no no no NO!
This is some guilt-tripping, gaslighting, deflecting DARVO bullshit, and I won’t have it.
Bigots do not become bigots because of their exposure to “others”. When those of us who are “others” [refuse to tolerate the intolerance of others] (out of principle or justifiable self-defense) (, their frustration and their lashing-out as a result is not our fault. Nobody can be held responsible for another individual’s lack of emotional self-control.
When people act out with violence, motivated by hate, fear, and ignorance, they are to blame— never the victims.
Well, played Roger Freedman
Well, it only took a decade. Let’s see how long this lasts…
And nothing will be done to give this junkie rapist kiddie-fucker the justice he deserves.