[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 130 points 3 months ago

Enough with the fucking "threats" already. Shit or get off the pot, judges!


I've got a 2.9 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i9 Macbook Pro (yes, the one with the touchbar and the keyboard nobody likes)...

Anyway, it's been working great, aside from this issue which seems to happen on occasion, when I don't keep it plugged in overnight. It will just drain real fast sometimes.

What causes batteries to just drain over the course of an hour or so?

[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 329 points 4 months ago

Good analysis:

"Ppl like her because she’s real. Ppl perceive Trump as real too. Dems need to do a better job of just being real with ppl. Coming on social media and chatting with ppl, etc."

That's why people liked Bernie too.

Why Harris lost (lemmy.world)

[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 70 points 4 months ago

Retiring on $15k is a scary fucking thought.

[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 113 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I fully agree. As a 43 year old, who used to be an "early adopter" I've found that I don't fucking need it. I'm fine with retro games. I'm fine with talking on the phone instead of video conferences. I don't need "social media".

On the other hand, I really like that my car doesn't pollute. I really like that I can power my house from the sunlight that normally just hits my roof and is absorbed. I really like that I can work from home.

There are tradeoffs. For me, what works, is just not giving a fuck. But in like, a content/nice way, instead of a nihilistic/depressed way. If you know what I mean?

But being a Luddite does have its appeal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite

submitted 4 months ago by GuyDudeman@lemmy.world to c/music@lemmy.world
submitted 5 months ago by GuyDudeman@lemmy.world to c/iphone@lemmy.world
[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 138 points 5 months ago

So stupid. Just use Mastodon. No algorithms. No billionaires. No monetization. No bullshit. And some really great folks, too.

[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 80 points 1 year ago

Oh my god! That's disgusting! Naked pics online? Where? Where were they posted? I want to avoid seeing them at all costs!

[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 296 points 1 year ago

The MDHS State Disbursement Unit is the Child Support department. Dude went nuts because he doesn't want to pay child support. What a POS.

[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 93 points 1 year ago

Holy shit we’re old.

[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 87 points 1 year ago

LOL @ “Only you know why”

[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 90 points 1 year ago

Why is there a "Top Pay Rate" for workers and no "Top Pay Rate" for management/executives?


She bought the tickets without knowing about the strike. We accepted the gift without knowing about the strike.

She's a Republican and still wants to go and cross the picket line. She doesn't care.

My wife understands my hesitancy, but says that it's too late, and so we have to go regardless.

The kids are really looking forward to it.

I just feel so horrible. But I have to go with them.

What can I do to make amends?

[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 71 points 2 years ago

He's a ponzi scheme of debt?

[-] GuyDudeman@lemmy.world 73 points 2 years ago

He was a straight-up Neo-Nazi and named the group after Hitler's favorite composer. So yeah, he would have been infinitely worse than Putin... and that's saying something.

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