[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 8 points 12 hours ago

The Heavy's mini gun is so satisfying to use. Just pick a direction and spray.

[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 5 points 15 hours ago

Velocicoaster at Universal Studios. It was just way too intense. There were multiple times where I felt like I was gonna fly out of my seat for a few seconds at a time.

Thinking on it, also the Superman and Green Lantern coasters at Six Flags. I can't handle the climb on the superman coaster, since you are staring down at the ground the whole time, and since the Green Lantern coaster is a standing coaster, you either give yourself a little room and destroy your knees or you lock yourself in and destroy your balls.

[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 30 points 1 day ago

If you're pissed, put your influence against Trump and his horseshit tariffs. What was a disproportionate response was Canada doing nothing wrong, and America putting tariffs on their goods.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Protoknuckles@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world
[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 211 points 5 months ago

I always read symbiote spider man in this movie as Parker with the confidence to act how he thought would be cool. And he thought it would be cool to answer the phone in an unexpected way.

[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 146 points 5 months ago

I could buy a steam deck and a shitload of games on sale for that

[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 168 points 6 months ago

If he sells enough Tesla stock, he may save both companies!

[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 253 points 8 months ago

Automatic draft, but notvoter registration...

[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 214 points 9 months ago

The hot dog vendor says that will be $7.50. The monkey hands the vendor a $10 bill, which the vendor puts in the cash drawer. After a moment the monk asks "what about my change?" The vendor bows reverently and responds "change must come from within."

[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 237 points 1 year ago

Frasier was on my backlog of stuff to watch. It's nice when my backlog clears itself like this.

[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 165 points 1 year ago

American really will use any measurement except metric

[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 144 points 1 year ago

What a bitch. You've been doing this for 30 years and didn't fix anything.

[-] Protoknuckles@lemmy.world 166 points 2 years ago

It can still be used to artificially pump up an idea. Or used to bury one.


I've been blocking communities on all that I don't find interesting. If I want to unblock them later, is there a way to do that?


So, I know I can block communities, but is there a way for me to block instances? It looks like some instances are becoming specialized in their content, which is great, and I think a way for the Fediverse to grow sustainably and healthy, but there's going to be instances centered around things I'm just not interested in. Is there any way for me to block them from my "all" feed?


Hello Lemmings (I have no idea what Lemmy users are called) I'm a reddit migrator. I'm still a little confused, but I'd like to learn. How do I find communities? If I want to discuss Warhammer or Steam games, or something like that, what's the best way to find that content? If it matters I am on the phone app.

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