the c++ team is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. can we just shoot Brendan Eich in the head if he's not in there too?
I don't think the babes will mind, they love chocolate
... Web Access Protocol?
fuck em. I hope it crashes to zero. I've been boycotting them forever, I hope it dies.
all the innovation was right there and no one made it yet 🤔
this is starting to be horseshit. Every windows computer has a version of fucking solitare on it , there are other card based games that don't get this treatment, and the lootboxes are actual gambling.
I thought at the start it was a type of beurocratical problem, but it's been too long.
sitting presidents cannot be prosecuted.
The charges, including election interference
Election interference is legal if you do it so well you win.
now only do aluminum cans for :
- food packaging
- high end satellites
- satellite launch systems.
I find this interpretation funny
taking the condom off and walking out of the room
ah yes, like the one time I ragequit sex
I'm a horse now, also I'm pregnant.
I think I'll give it to dad.
the fuck is xeet? It's twitter, none of the tweets have the url based on
EDIT : you gotta keep deadnaming the transphobe's media platform. If he wants it to be called something else, fix up all them URLs and sell the twitter URL to someone else champ