Season pass aren't a subscription
About the price tag, it was the cheapest way to wath blu ray at the time.
Might depend on the sub but it's always been part of my experience on reddit. I've already been downvoted to something like - 70 for explaining commonly misunderstood game mechanics cause I'm a nerd and when I really like a game I like to know how it works in detail. Those were easily verifiable facts.
Dark souls censoring knight with k***ht
But somehow men DO needs to take responsibility for shitty men's behaviour...
French here, we got plenty unions and still a shit ton of jobs working the exact same way.
You know they don't pay the artist directly? Like with physical the ones taking the biggest share are the labels... Also the average musician isn't making shit cause compared to a very few bigger artists they represent an extremely low percentage of the overall streams on the platform.
Not as impressive but in the town where I grew up there is a really skinny woman who seems to be jogging like non stop. When I was in elementary school there was a rumor saying she had some disease which would make her heart stop if she stopped running and all the kids thought it was true. A few years ago when mentionning it to a younger sister (6 years difference) I learnt the rumor was still going strong when she was a kid, and then we both learnt that it was still the case when our even younger sister (12 years difference) was a kid.
That's the point, script kiddies refers to young peoples with low to no technical knowledge using tools made by other peoples.
Not the first time I've heard about this concept, and the more i look into the world the more I agree with it. Being green is kind of a luxury that not many people can afford, and the poorer people are the less they can afford green technology.
You should look a bit more into the world if you didn't notice how good capitalism is at making the poors poorer.
My sister and me have been no contact for the pasr 2 years when I suddenly got a text from here telling me she's pregnant. I didn't want to reply right away as I wanted to congratulate her while still making it clear it wouldn't change anything about the current situation, and I needed some time to think about a way to express it that wouldn't make me an asshole. That's when I missclicked and hit the "ok" suggestion from my phone...
Season pass are bundled dlcs usually at a discount. While it's true most people buying it don't know what they're paying for, it's totally possible to buy it once every dlc included has been released.