Extremely rare SFW Oglaf!
Yeah, stuffing more worms into your brain being purely a beneficial mechanic with no drawbacks is a very weird choice. This whole system was honestly better in early access than it ended up being, having the tadpoles be just a dialogue option with a very easy check but consequences the more you used them. The ring that Omeluum gives you was even supposed to help, only to get changes into a boring Charm resistance ring on release.
I'm very happy to see them re-implement the attribute system with classes and birthsigns while combining it with the Skyrim's perk customization. Taking the best parts of both games! It's also amazing to see the classic lockpicking minigame from Oblivion re-implemented! I always liked that system much more than the spin-the-circle one Bethesda has been using in every game since Skyrim.
This happens whenever you multi-class into paladin/cleric as any other character, didn't know you don't need to do so specifically for Shadowheart. The fact that the god specific paladin dialogue exists really makes me wish we got an optional god selection for paladins during character creation, having to sacrifice a feat or a bunch of class features just to get some RP dialogue kinda sucks.
This article was either written in parts by AI or the author is in such a hurry they didn't have the time for even basic proofreading. In the first paragraph of the WoW part, they mention Shadowlands being the latest expansion (along with some hilariously false statements about it "bringing the game back to it's glory early years" despite it being an absolute flop) only to mention Dragonflight in the very next one, even linking a review from their own site!
Ash is getting some much needed changes in the next update and I'm quite looking forward to them! He was always my favorite of the invisible frames so I'm happy to see him get some love. His 1 is getting a dmg boost which likely doesn't matter (unless it scales with the mods on his new exalted weapon, that would actually make it interesting!) but the projectile increase from 2 to 5 makes running it with it's armor stripping augment much more appealing. Smoke Screen getting a massive 50% duration increase makes this ability way more comfortable to use without needing to slot in every single duration mod possible (or subsuming over it and running Arcane Trickery instead). Teleport is actually useful now without needing to run it's augment, I still wish it worked like Kullervo's 1 and just let you teleport to anywhere. And Blade Storm getting turned into an exalted weapon and having it's mark mechanic condensed to just 1 turns it into an actual good end game nuke!