I, for one, am happy to receive any of our progressive neighbours to the south. We'll need all the help we can to not follow in the US's footsteps.
Thank you! It's people like you who give others hope for a better future.
Maybe I should make a $250 donation to the NDP...
That'll happen when your pollution gets slurped up by the biteys. If you can manage it, a wall with with turrets and an ammo supply belt to feed them is good early solution.
I'm still addicted to the new factorio expansion. 125 hrs on my current save and counting. The factory must grow!
Do I smell a $200 ~~rebate~~ bribe incoming?
It's starting to feel like that because that's exactly how a lot of them think. They've just been recently emboldened enough to start saying the quite part out loud.
Google Regulatory Affairs, said the DOJ is pushing a "radical agenda that goes far beyond the legal issues in this case," and would harm consumers.
Bullshit. You've been slowly pushing the vertical integration angle, and now it's coming back to bite you. Suck a bag of dicks, google.
Pepe is a beloved internet meme, not a symbol of hate. Rightoid asshats need to leave pepe and doge the fuck alone. >:(
Oh! I'd never heard about this game before now, but it looks really cool. Too bad about denuvo though, that's a nope from me too.
Deal! Apologies for not sending our best.