It's not the posting that's the issue, it's what comes once you have lol
Oh, good, thank fuck for that lol
Thanks for all the info, I'll get on it hopefully by tomorrow.
Mostly your block (communities and instances)
but not users? :(
I think I've already overextended my available energy with what this post might stir up, I might just leave it now 😂
Ok, thanks! What info does that bring along?
makes sense from administrative perspective to not allow blocking admins.
That in itself is a power trip (sure, if they are a sole admin of an instance, which they aren't, they should have the option to dm any user even if they block them, but them being an admin doesn't mean anyone should be forced to encounter their personal brand of bullshit as they scroll).
Either way, that on its own is enough to get me to change instance, and db0 is probably my first choice, I just need to gather enough brain spoons to make the move lol
Yeah, that was my bad, and thanks, but I'm not necessarily looking for a specifically European instance, looking at dbzer0 at the moment, though still need to look in to how much of my current account I can migrate with me, and how.
This was my thinking too.
E: also the fact that I can't block them is not ok.
Lol, I honestly just saw the French language in the side bar and assumed, it's generally not something I care about, so that's my bad for sure, but either way, the fact that they admin a non-American instance is still a cherry on top of this shit pie.
And yet, he's still one of the what, 5 richest people on the planet?
He doesn't give a shit, and neither should you (as nice as the schadenfreude might feel). He got something worth more to him than plain old money - an established propaganda platform, which he is using as he intended - to war monger and otherwise interfere in politics to ensure fascism progresses as fast as he can help it. The "dent" (more like a surface scratch) it put in his finances is completely invisible and irrelevant to him.
And it should be to you, too.
He is NEVER going to end up without means or power, not even fucking close, unless we take them from him, and abolish the system that encouraged and enabled him to amass them in the first place.
his ex-wife is in jail for objecting to court-ordered reunification therapy meant to repair his relationship with two of his sons.
Yeah, because top priority when encountering a piece of shit incestual paedophilic rapist, is to reunite him with the children he set aside while he preyed on the others. 🤯🤬
Be it a system or an individual - abusers defend abusers. It's always projection in self defence, it's why they've constructed an elaborate conspiracy theory about secret paedophile rings run by the rich and powerful, yet when someone rich and powerful (and white and straight), and those who serve them, acts in direct defence of a paedophile, they look the other way.
The judge who made this ruling, along with everyone who enabled it, need to have their hard drives searched and the children in their lives questioned and potentially removed for their safety. I don't have a single doubt in my mind that if they did this, they would find at least one more paedophile.
As for the mother and kids, I hope they sue the state or the court or whoever it is they can, and win millions to pay for the new life they're going to need to build for themselves and therapy they're going to need for the rest of their lives (never mind compensation for the obscene miscarriage of justice of locking her up).
I understand if the mods remove the post, but also appreciate other people understanding why I did post it here.
E: though as of now at least one of my replies laughing at this clown has been removed by the mod. Not the mod my post is about mind, but a power tripping buddy I guess (probably for "being a dick" while undoubtedly claiming all Europeans are just jealous of Americans magically doesn't come under that category). So maybe it actually qualifies for this community now? lmao