This has some serious Horizon: Zero Dawn vibes.
Resembles a Cauldron.
That's exactly what I was thinking!
Oooh I suppose it does! I never even thought about that.
Now we just need to add some robot animals and dinosaurs to complete it!
That aside, H:ZD is a beautiful game, so it's 100% a good thing IMO that it resembles it. You did a fantastic job!
Yeah, I loved it when I played it. Thank you so much ;-;
Yo this looks sick!! Love the atmosphere! Do you have a 1440p/4k render so I can make it my desktop background? (If you're ok with that of course!)
Thank you!! I don't give out full-res copies of my images as I do sell downloads and prints of them on various sites. Thank you, though! ;-;
I too would love to add this to my folder of rotating wallpapers
This is lit.
stuff like this makes me wanna learn 3D modeling. great work!
Thank you! You totally should! It's not as hard as it first looks.
How did you make all the organic shapes, and how long did it take you?
Simply glorious! I need to get better at Blender lol
Thank you! It's all about practice and learning!
You're very welcome ^.^
Satisfactory vibes.
I need to play that some day.
Great concept, well done!
Thank you!
Great work!
Digital Art
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